
Join a fishery working group

Working groups provide Fisheries Queensland with important operational advice on the sustainable management of our fisheries – a key action under the Sustainable Fisheries Strategy.

We are currently seeking a range of people to join 14 fishery working groups, including commercial and recreational fishers, charter operators, seafood marketers and processors, conservation representatives and First Nations peoples.

We look for a balance of representation across each working group, including geographic distribution, different stakeholder interests and gender, and knowledge across the range of species, fishing methods and fishery risks. Ideally, applicants would not be a member of another fishery working group – there is often a high workload and we want to provide an opportunity for as many people as possible to contribute.

Applications are open for the following working groups:

  • Crab fishery working group
  • East coast inshore fishery working group
  • Freshwater fisheries working group
  • Gulf of Carpentaria inshore fishery working group
  • Marine aquarium fish and coral fisheries working group
  • Moreton Bay working group
  • Reef line fishery working group
  • Rocky reef fishery working group
  • Sea cucumber fishery working group
  • Spanish mackerel fishery working group
  • Spanner crab working group
  • Stocked impoundment permit scheme working group
  • Trawl fishery working group
  • Tropical rock lobster fishery working group.

Read the terms of reference for the working group you are interested in nominating for so you know what is required of members.

Please note:

  • Working groups are advisory only – they are not decision-making bodies.
  • Membership is on a voluntary basis for up to 2 years.
  • Members are not paid for being part of the working group – however, they are reimbursed for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses (including domestic travel, accommodation costs, motor vehicle allowances and meals).

Information about the roles and responsibilities of members is available in the terms of reference for each working group.

Find out more about the roles of working group members and submit your application online by 5 pm, 21 May 2023. 

The fishery working groups guideline has also been reviewed and released for consultation. Submit your feedback by 5 pm, 21 May 2023. 

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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