Wayne Young had a great trip catching this big Jewfish offshore last weekend.

Gold Coast Coomera – weekly report

Gold Coast Coomera fishing
Sea Probe Fishing Charters have been finding some quality Snapper for their customers lately off the Gold Coast.

Hi everyone, hope you have all had a good week. It’s been a bit wet ‘n wild on the Gold Coast at times this week, with some cracking storms moving through producing strong winds, hail and heavy rainfall making conditions very unpredictable. The good news is when it wasn’t storming, we saw plenty of sunshine and nice conditions in between to get out for a fish. At the time of writing my report it looks as though we may see a weather window early Saturday morning before the northerly wind kicks back in. Let’s check out what has been happening this week on the fishing front. Gold Coast Coomera fishing

Local fishos have reported some great catches of good-sized quality jewfish coming from both the Gold Coast Seaway and the Jumpinpin Bar entrances over the past week. After the rainfall this week it will help to flush out the bait and the predators which will be waiting around the open ocean entrances ready to pounce on any bait schooling up in that area. Tide lines around the entrances will be a good spot to target, they can be identified by a distinct colour change in the water quality as the dirty water meets the cleaner ocean water, these areas often produce some great fishing options. While drifting the Gold Coast Seaway keep an eye on the sounder for bait and predators to target, live bait will work well along with a well-presented soft plastics or vibes on the jewfish. Try the same tactics at the Jumpinpin Bar mouth around the deeper holes and hopefully you will be rewarded for your efforts. The best times to fish for a big jewfish is the last hour of a run-in and the first hour of a run-out tide – being the prime bite time as the water flow decreases making it easier to get your bait down deep. A medium to heavy outfit may be required rigged with either 20 or 30lb braid and 30-40lb trace should do the trick and knock over the larger fish. Gold Coast Coomera fishing

Gold Coast Coomera fishing
Warric caught and released this 70cm Flathead while fishing with Clint from Brad Smith Fishing Charters in the Flathead Classic.

Flathead have still been around in good numbers, weed has been a bit annoying at times depending on where you are fishing, hopefully the rain will help to flush the system out making targeting these great fish a little bit easier and less frustrating. In the Broadwater try around the Gold Coast Seaway in the deeper channels and also the rock wall edges where there have been good numbers of male fish 40-55cm in length hanging around the big females getting ready to spawn. Also try around Wavebreak Island, Crab Island, Paradise Point, Brown Island, Aldershots and Tipplers Passage. Jumpinpin has been producing plenty of trophy sized fish to catch and release and plenty of good eating sized flathead if you are chasing a feed. Jacobs Well, Tiger Mullet Channel, Bedrooms, Crusoe Island, Kalinga Bank, Short Island and Jumpinpin Bar mouth have all been fishing well. I recommend targeting the tops of shallower sandbanks and the edges of the shoreline when the tide is high, big fish are being hooked in ankle deep water at times where they lay in wait for bait fish to swim past. As the tide falls work your way off the banks and target the edges, drop offs and then the deeper channels until you find where the good numbers of fish are holding. For the lure fishos a combination of hard body lures, soft plastics rigged on both weedless and jig heads depending the depth of water you are targeting or soft and metal vibes are all exciting ways to target flathead. Gold Coast Coomera fishing

Clint from Brad Smith Fishing Charters reports an interrupted week with stormy weather, but the rainfall will bring a welcome flush to our estuaries, triggering the food chain and bringing on mangrove jack, whiting, flathead, jewfish, bream, grunter and plenty more variety. There were stacks of winter whiting on the days I fished in the Broadwater and huge numbers of quality bream and tarwhine in the Nerang River. Yabbies were the best offering, and the Ecogear Marukyu Isome worms and blades were in form too. I’m looking forward to smaller tides this week to fish the Broadwater more for the big sand whiting which are turning up in numbers.

Gold Coast Coomera fishing
Don with a nice Squire caught and released in the Broadwater with Clint from Brad Smith Fishing Charters.

Gavin from Sea Probe Fishing Charters reports the fishing has been a little bit on a bit quiet at times with dolphinfish starting to show up on the fish aggregating devices if you are lucky, also snapper, yellowtail, amberjack and samson fish were chewing really well on live bait, Western Australia pilchard and jigs out on the wider reefs. If the current is too strong on the 50s try the 36s and 24s for feed of teraglin and snapper.

If you have any great catches or photos you would like to share, please email us and let us know how you went. brett@coomerahouseboats.com.au or brett@fishotackle.com.au

Stay up to date with all fishing regulations in Queensland https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/business-priorities/fisheries

Fisho Tackle and Coomera Houseboat Holidays now have Hire Tinnies follow the link to view http://www.coomerahouseboats.com.au/our-fleet-type/hire-tinnies/

Seabreeze is a great website to access a local forecast http://www.seabreeze.com.au/graphs/

Good luck with the Fishing.


About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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