
It is unlawful to use wire fish traps

Using wire fish traps to take Murray crayfish is unlawful and will not be tolerated.

NSW DPI Fisheries Officers from the states South West have apprehended a man from Gooramadda, allegedly using an unlawful wire trap to take Murray crayfish from the Murray River near Howlong. As a result of a surveillance operation, the man was observed and recorded using the trap to take four Murray crayfish. Upon inspection by Fisheries Officers, two of the Murray crayfish were of a prohibited size.

The alleged offending comes only 4 weeks after a man was apprehended at Howlong using two wire fish traps to take Murray crayfish. Murray crayfish are a threatened species in NSW with a vulnerable status. In recent years, this iconic species has declined in range and abundance, with unlawful traps detrimentally affecting their recovery.

Murray crayfish can be taken from prescribed waters of the Murray and Murrumbidgee Rivers between 1 June and 31 August. They can be taken with up to 5 hoop nets or pyramid lift nets only. The use of any form of trap to take Murray crayfish is unlawful. The daily limit is two per person with a minimum carapace size of 10 cm and a maximum carapace size of 12 cm.

Investigations are continuing into the matter.

Fisheries Officers are asking for the community to be vigilant and report any suspected illegal fishing activity to Fishers Watch on 1800 043 536 or via the online form here.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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