Be a mate and check your bait before you go fishing

BIOSECURITY Queensland is launching a campaign today that asks all fishers to check their bait before they go out fishing, to make sure it is Australian wild-caught bait from a quality bait supplier, or to catch their own.

The campaign asks fishers to do their bit to help protect our natural waterways and our fishing and aquaculture industries, which are vital industries in Queensland, by making sure diseases aren’t introduced or spread. To help get this message out to Queensland fishers, cricket legend and avid fisherman, Andrew Symonds, has come on board as the star of the campaign, featuring in a video advertisement and a series of posters. Andrew reminds fishers to not use prawns from the supermarket as bait as they are meant for human consumption only. He then hooks a big snapper with some prawns he caught himself.

Watch the video advertisement featuring Andy Symonds or visit for more information about using the correct bait.

White spot movement restrictions

To reduce the likelihood of white spot spreading, movement restrictions are in place. This means that raw prawns, yabbies and marine worms cannot be removed from the restricted area which extends from Caloundra to the New South Wales border, following a line 100metres off the eastern coasts of Bribie, Moreton and Stradbroke Islands.

Crustaceans, other than those that are exempt, caught in the restricted area must stay within the area, unless they are cooked first, as cooking destroys the virus that causes white spot.

The movement restrictions also apply to frozen, uncooked crustaceans as freezing does not destroy the virus.

The following items must not be removed from the restricted area unless cooked first:

• Prawns;

• Yabbies; and

• Marine worms.
Penalties apply to anyone who breaches these restrictions.

Bait prawns (including freshly caught yabbies and marine worms) sourced from outside the restricted area can be used, however, once brought into the restricted area, they cannot be moved back out.

To ensure the ongoing health of our marine habitat, fishers should only use Australian wild-caught prawns as bait, purchased from a local bait supplier or catch your own. Imported, uncooked prawns may pose a risk for the introduction of exotic diseases such as white spot.

Exemption for crabs, lobsters and bugs

Crabs, lobsters and bugs are exempt from the movement restrictions and can be taken out of the restricted area. As these animals are caught and sold for the sole purpose of being eaten, the risk of them being returned to natural waterways and spreading the white spot virus is low.

The exemption applies to spanner crabs, three spotted crabs, blue swimmer crabs, mud crabs, red champagne lobsters, slipper lobsters, tropical rock lobsters, red claws and bugs.

While fishers will now be able to move these exempt species out of the restricted area, anyone wishing to move them interstate must check the importation requirements of the destination state before doing so.

Fishing restrictions

To help prevent further outbreaks of white spot in South East Queensland, fishing is prohibited within 100metres of water intake and outlet channels and in drainage channels used by land-based prawn farms in the Gold Coast City Division 1/Coomera electorate district. This includes line fishing and the use of other fishing equipment such as crab pots, cast nets and yabby pumps.

The restrictions apply to waterways surrounding prawn farms in Alberton, Coomera, Gilberton, Helensvale, Hope Island, Jacobs Well, Norwell, Ormeau, Pimpama, Southern Moreton Bay Islands, Stapylton, Steiglitz and Woongoolba.

Importation requirements from other states

To find out requirements for importing Queensland crustaceans into other states it is important to check their relevant websites.

New South Wales

South Australia

Western Australia

Northern Territory


Further information

Further information on white spot is available on the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries website.

Subscribe to the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries aquatic pest and disease alerts for regular updates on the white spot disease response.

quality bait quality bait quality bait quality bait quality bait quality bait quality bait 

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