New moon, high tide – Very rarely do we get a chance to enjoy big tides with light winds and a dropping swell. Mid-week and mid-week next week finally allowed those of us who head offshore a few days grace to experience some reef fishing. Noosa fishing
Out wide North reef saw the cobia showing up along with some chunky tuskies, sweetlip, jewfish, maori and estuary cod. These fish are taking a wide range of baits from squid to mullet fillet. Pilchards also work very well with 2 hook paternoster rigs. The Sure Catch pre-made rigs come in many sizes and let you fish two baits at once, so you can figure out what the fish want.
For those on lures, nothing beats a good soft plastic or jig. Out wide the currents have been variable, allowing for plastics to be used with 1-3 oz jig heads. Try to keep lines light and leaders around 30-40lb for presentation. With so many options available use tried and tested colours like nuclear chicken and pink shine, pearl colours.
In close you can expect to find sweetlip and cod as well as smaller tuskies and the occasional cobia. If struggling to get the bite, try dropping leaders down by 10lb or so. Although this sounds like it may be too light you will often be surprised what you can land on lighter gear. Be sure to use quality leaders like Shimano Ocea or FC Rock.
Beach fishing has seen a mixed bag of tailor, bream, whiting and dart during the mornings and into the night. With the new moon the bite period has been first light and end of the day. For those looking to target these fish and still fish light the Crucis VSX Tempesta is a super light blank with the best Fuji components. This is a rod that can be held all day long without getting tired.

While the river runs dirty from the floods, most anglers are focusing their attention toward the river mouth. The incoming tide tends to bring saltier water back into the river which the fish population loves. Small baits drifted around on light lines are tending to get the bite. You can run a slightly heavier leader when targeting flathead or run a bite leader. If you need help with knots be sure to drop in and chat to one of the boys at Tackle World.
If wanting to try a soft plastic, there isn’t much that works better than a prawn. We have the new unrigged Zerek live shrimps in, and the smaller size is going to get smashed by flatties and bream which will be hanging around the rocks and fallen trees of the dog beach.
When the sun shines, sometimes just going for a slow cruise around the river can show you where the fish are. If you have a sounder with side scan, be sure to run this and zoom out to 10 meters left and right. This lets you spot targets on smaller screens that would otherwise be missed. If you need help with sounders or electric motors be sure to pop into boating and outdoors next door to Tackle World.
Freshwater still needs to clear up from the recent floods. If heading out try and find clean water. Look for temperature spikes and fish areas that receive the most sun. You may have to make several passes over fish on lower frequency sounder settings and cycle through your lure box. Start off in the main basin to see if the fish are still schooling and work your way up from there.
With the middle of next week looking good now is a great time to head out and enjoy the coast fishing on offer. Noosa fishing
Now, for all the latest information log onto for up-to-date bar and fishing reports, don’t forget to drop into Tackle World Noosa, Noosa Boating and Outdoors and Northshore Bait & Tackle in Marcoola for all the right equipment, bait and advice to get you catching. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and remember, tight lines and bent spines!