NSW DPI wants your fish skeletons

The NSW Department of Primary Industries want your fish skeletons! The DPI needs fish frames from recreational fishers to help with the monitoring of mulloway, yellowtail, kingfish, snapper, dusky flathead, tailor, black bream, spanish or spotted mackerel. skeletons

It doesn’t just want huge trophy fish, the little ones are as important as the big ones. All legal length frames are wanted and will help with this important work. Data collected by the program will contribute towards ensuring continued quality recreational fishing opportunities for your favourite species into the future. skeletons skeletons

The ear bones (otoliths) are used to determine the age of the fish. Age data is used to build a picture of the age structure of the species population. This combined data details how many fish there are of each age in the stock, which helps evaluate the health of the species. By collecting this data, over time DPI can also see how the structure of fish populations in NSW may be changing.

Learn more about fish otoliths here!

DPI will send you a certificate with the age of the fish and an image of the fish’s ear bone and you will go into the monthly prize draw.

How to donate frames or otoliths?

Donate your fish frames at participating tackle store drop off point. Frames can be donated fresh or frozen. If you are unable to keep the entire frame, just the head will do along with the fish’s estimated total length. Fish can be wrapped in plastic bags, cling wrap, foil or other methods but please include the capture information below in the same package on a piece of paper.

Who caught the fish: name and contact details (phone number, postal and/or email address). skeletons skeletons

When and where the fish was caught: date and location name or latitude/longitude if available and either estuary, shore (rocks, beach or break wall) or offshore – this information is confidential, so you can continue to keep your favourite fishing spots secret.

If you would like to find out more about the program email research.angler@dpi.nsw.gov.au or phone (02) 4916 3827. https://www.facebook.com/NSWDPIFisheries/

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For frame drop off locations, click here!

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