
NSW prawns remain safe to eat

NSW prawns remain safe for human consumption and consumers can continue to purchase NSW prawns from local seafood suppliers.

Last month NSW DPI and the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness has confirmed detections of White Spot in wild-caught school prawns near the Evans River (on 8 May) and Richmond River (on 25 May).

As a result, a Biosecurity Control Order is in place for the Evans and Richmond Rivers. The Control Zone encompasses the waters of the Richmond and Evans Rivers and adjacent ocean waters 10km north of the Richmond River mouth to 10km south of the Evans River mouth. The Clarence River Control Zone also remains in place.

The Control Zone restricts the movement of green (uncooked) school and king prawns and other decapod crustaceans (excluding mud, blue swimmer, three spot and spanner crabs, lobsters, and bugs), and beach and other polychaete worms out of the area to help minimise the spread.

Recreational fishers can help protect our industry from White Spot by:

  • Buying your bait from a quality, trusted supplier or collecting your own from where you intend to fish – do not use prawns intended for human consumption as bait!
  • Disposing of your waste (heads or shells) in the bin, never in our waterways
  • Cleaning your boat, trailer, rods and other equipment before using them in another location.

More information is available from the DPI website:

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