
Protecting our waterways from illegal fishing

NSW Fisheries Officers protecting our waterways from illegal fishing!

NSW Fisheries Officers regularly patrol waterways that are important for fish migration. The area of the Nepean River at Penrith Weir 115 metres upstream and 26 metres downstream from the weir face prohibits all methods of fishing.

The vertical slot fishway system installed here plays an important role in ensuring migrating fish that congregate in and around the weir can swim unobstructed downstream and upstream. Migration is a critical part of the life cycle of some species of Australian Freshwater fish such as Australian Bass and the Nepean River Vertical Slot Fishway system at Penrith Weir allows this.

After receiving reports of illegal fishing in and around the Weir, NSW fisheries officers conducted patrols and located multiple people fishing in the weir. Fishers are reminded that it is an offence to fish in an area closed to all methods of fishing and penalties apply.

More information on the Nepean River Penrith Weir closure along with all other freshwater fishing closures can be found here including mapping. You can also see a map to the Napean Penrith Weir.

If you see illegal fishing activities, please report it to the Fishers Watch Hotline on 1800 043 536 or online.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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