
Tooltip Triggeruscipit sed at montes at tellus. Aliquam nisl penatibus commodo massa mi rutrum, ut massa mollis dolor dui at, tortor ullamcorper vel diam pretium sit leo, pellentesque in leo eu mauris mollis aliquam, ultricies adipiscing eu a dui sollicitudin posuere. Massa vivamus ac ipsum, pede enim quam sit, mus aliquam amet pede quis laboriosam.

Monduran barra fishing fantastic

Monduran barra

HI all, Lake Monduran has been fishing well, with loads of good Monduran barra put on the deck. Many of my clients have caught plenty of barra on their charters. I’m still using B52s, Happy Rock Softies, Maria and Saruna lures. Each lure needs to be worked in its own way as not all lures swim the same. The wind …

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Coverage is now more than just a note – Nautilus Insurance


Years ago you could take out a cover note when buying a new boat – it was a service you could organise over the telephone and it gave you insurance cover for about a week. Long enough to let you get the boat home, organise the paperwork and secure coverage for the remainder of the year. But things have changed. …

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Red dogs on Frogz

jacks on frogz red dogs

YOU find that perfect snag deep at the back of some overhanging mangrove roots. You position the boat and prepare to make a cast. As the rod tip goes back, a shower of baitfish erupts and a red flash slices through them with an unmistakable snap. Your grip on the rod instinctively tightens and the heart beats a little faster. …

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Crab pots seized, body cameras worn by Sunshine Coast fisheries officers

body cameras fisheries qld

SUNSHINE Coast Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol officers have seized 130 crab pots from the Maroochy River during a targeted operation in January. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner said the operation targeted abandoned crab pots which could continue to ‘ghost fish’.  “Ghost fishing happens when lost or abandoned fishing gear continues to catch crabs, fish and …

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Consistent weather means consistent fishing off Noosa

consistent weather noosa

Offshore we’ve seen more consistent weather lately. The inshore reefs of Sunshine, Chardons, Halls and of course Jew shoal are all providing action in the form of Spanish mackerel, spotty mackerel, tuna and cobia. The action has been thick and fast with many great fish biting many anglers off or getting sharked. While you can’t prevent the sharks, using a …

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Trevally smashing bait schools around Coomera

trevally smashing bait coomera

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, it’s fantastic news to finally see some much needed rain on the Gold Coast.  Hopefully the rain will give the waterways a bit of a flush out and stir up the Crabs and Fish. Let’s have a look at what’s been biting. Mud Crabs are a great option to target after …

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Plenty of reports of mangrove jack near Bundaberg

reports mangrove jack bundaberg

BUNDABERG OFFSHORE The offshore forecast for the Bundaberg area could go either way this weekend, so keep an eye on it and check the latest updates before heading out.  The new moon was earlier this week and we are on the building moon so the fishing should be pretty hot out there.  Targeting red emperor and coral trout in the …

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Mackerel found throughout Moreton Bay

mackerel found throughout moreton bay

G’day all, I hope everyone is well and looking forward to the 5-10 knots forecast for the Southern Bay this coming weekend. Despite the wind and much needed rain, last week saw good reports of school mackerel from the Rouse and Rainbow Channels as well as good mixed bags taken from some of the local creeks. School mackerel are being …

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LAFMA 2019 Carp/Tilapia Eradication Comp

lafma carp tilapia comp

IT’S on again, the annual Logan & Albert Fish Management Association’s Wyaralong Dam Carp & Tilapia Eradication Competition. On Saturday, March 23, 2019 this one-day, family orientated, fun fishing event aims to catch and remove these noxious fish from the dam while helping LAFMA raise funds to supplement the Stocked Impoundment Permit Scheme. Heaps of prizes and giveaways are on …

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Doing the Queensland dinosaur trail


WE are really settling into holiday mode now. It has taken us a couple of weeks but we are starting to get the gist of this relaxing thing. It has been enjoyable spending quality time with the family, especially the kids, as being a fishing guide I tend to work seven days a week and miss a lot of weekend …

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