research angler program nsw dpi
Shane Hacket regularly donates mulloway frames to the Research Angler Program. Photo: NSW DPI Fisheries

Do you know your Research Angler Program drop-off locations?

nsw dpi research angler programWhere is your nearest frame drop-off location? NSW DPI Fisheries currently has 31 Research Angler Program locations from the Tweed Fisheries office in the north to the Eden Fisheries office in the south, making it easy for you to contribute to this important citizen science program.

Many local tackle outlets – such as the Nambucca Heads Boatshed and Cafe (pictured) – are great supporters of the Research Angler Program and are happy to take your frames and store them in their bait freezers until one of our staff can pick them up for processing. Big thanks to the tackle industry for getting behind the RAP!

If you’re interested in contributing to citizen science and catch a mulloway, kingfish, snapper, dusky flathead, tailor, black bream, spanish or spotted mackerel of any legal size, donate the frame at any participating tackle shop.

This is a win-win-win-win – not only do you get to enjoy a great feed of fresh fish but you contribute to a vital citizen science program, find out how old your fish was AND go into the draw for our five monthly winners!

Head to for more information on how to get involved in the RAP. Please note if your nearest drop off location is a DPI Fisheries office, please call ahead.

The Research Angler Program is yet another great example of your fishing licence at work!

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