ocean beach net fishers
Photo: Fisheries Queensland

Stay clear of commercial ocean beach net fishers

WHILE most of us are snuggling up at home this winter, commercial fishers have already commenced fishing in the ocean beach net fishing season that runs from April to August each year.

A small number of fishers hold licences for the ocean beach net fishery which limits when and where they can fish, what fish they can catch, the size of the fish and the size of their nets. You may see a number of four-wheel-drives with dinghies attached or lined up in position on the beach.

They are waiting for sea mullet to come by, sometimes this could take hours, days, weeks or a whole season to get their catch. These guys are licensed to fish the beaches and are strictly regulated in their methods and reporting of catches. During this time of year, QBFP conducts regular inspections of this commercial fishing activity.

QBFP is reminding beachgoers to keep a safe distance from fishing operations and be aware that fishing is imminent when the orange-coloured flags are up. There’s plenty of room for all of us!

It is an offence to obstruct a commercial net fishing operation and on-the-spot fines can be imposed.


To learn more about our commercial fisheries, click here!

A small number of fishers hold licences for the ocean beach net fishery which limits when and where they can fish, what fish they can catch, the size of the fish and the size of their nets. You may see a number of four-wheel-drives with dinghies attached or lined up in position on the beach. 

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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