
Lizard and bream techniques


Hi crew, it’s been a while since I wrote an article, simply because the weather had been too poor for me to get out. flathead So lining work up with the weather windows and when the clients could go has meant I’ve done minimal charters over the past 3-4 months. Hence, I haven’t had a lot to write about. Luckily, …

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Bucket loads of bream


Well, so far we have dodged any very bad weather, apart from a lot of wind and huge swell from the cyclone that slid past out at sea. Let’s hope any future intense systems follow the same route and leave us to have a nice spring for a change. Fishing throughout the Clarence Valley region during February was fairly good …

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Soft plastics tricks for bream

I AM happy to target any species that will eat my lures, and bream on light spin gear can be both fun and challenging. When a big bream eats your soft plastic and switches on the afterburners, it’s cool to watch the line cut through the water and feel your inner ninja switch on as you employ some crazy rod …

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Bream great for kids

BREAM are great fish to catch and are ideally suited for kids, due to their accessibility. Most wharves, pontoons, rock walls and riverbanks hold a population of bream. Most years around this time pictures of Keira and myself appear in these pages with bream from the bottom end of the Brunswick River. It’s something we particularly love, and this year …

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Things shaken and stirred on Gold Coast

shaken and stirred

WHEN it rains, it pours. And pour it did, with some parts of the Gold Coast shaken and stirred, copping 500mm or more. You can’t deny we needed it though, and boy was it good to hear rain on the roof. With all the creeks and estuaries in flood, the systems are receiving a well-overdue flush. The wet can really change things on …

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Ned rig basics for fishing success

Ned rig

EXPLODING in the US, the Ned rig is basically a stand-up presentation built around a mushroom-style jig head and a buoyant soft plastic, meaning in the water the plastic is either fleeing on the retrieve or rapidly standing up in a claws-up ‘defensive’ pose or tail-up ‘feeding’ pose on the pause. On the pause, the buoyant plastic moves around naturally …

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Ballina fishing update from Brett Hyde

ballina fishing

HELLO all and welcome to this month’s edition of BNB and the Ballina fishing update. Over 600mm of rain was deposited in the Northern Rivers area and plenty found its way into the Richmond River. The discoloured water pushed out to sea for a couple of kilometres during the flood, but it has since cleaned up significantly, which will improve …

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Autumn fishing Gladstone style

autumn fishing Gladstone

WELCOME to autumn. February definitely brought the heat and, finally, rain to most parts of Queensland, setting things up nicely for autumn fishing Gladstone style. Closer to the coast, rainfall has ensured the rivers and creeks get a much-needed flush of fresh water. Though I feel for the struggling farmers who missed out on relief from drought conditions and my …

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Freshwater flush essential for a thriving ecosystem

freshwater flush fishing

IF you’ve been on the east coast of Queensland in early 2020, it shouldn’t come as a shock when I say we’ve had a lot of rain, providing a solid freshwater flush. The southeast Queensland estuaries changed from the nice clear water we enjoyed for ages to a brown tannin colour as far as the eye can see. It’s not …

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Increasing your odds via kayak

increase your odds kayak fishing

THE new year has once again kicked off at a pace many of us cannot keep up with, but among the frantic rush of the ‘silly season’ a fisher must get his or her fix, regardless of the crowds. How might you improve your odds in a time of mayhem when enough boats are on the water to require a …

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