
2024 Murray crayfish season commences

The 2024 Murray crayfish season commences this Saturday, June 1!

Murray crayfish may only be taken during the months of June, July and August in the Murray River between Hume Weir and the Newell Highway Road bridge at Tocumwal including Lake Mulwala and in the Murrumbidgee River between the Hume Highway Road bridge at Gundagai and Berembed Weir, excluding Old Man Creek.

The daily bag limit for Murray crayfish is 2 and the possession limit is 4. The minimum size limit for Murray crayfish, measured from the rear of the eye socket to the centre rear of the carapace, is 10cm and the maximum size limit is 12cm.

Recreational fishers must also not take berried females and removing heads, tails, or claws in, on, or adjacent to waters is prohibited.

The annual Murray crayfish season is highly anticipated, and we want to ensure fishers abiding by the rules to make sure we can sustain this species for future generations.

Recreational fishers are reminded that opera house style yabby traps are banned in NSW. Detailed information on the fishing rules and Murray crayfish can be found at

Any suspected illegal fishing activity can be reported through the FishSmart app or to the Fishers Watch phone line on 1800 043 536 or via the online report form here.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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