Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

BIA welcomes loosening the restrictions on recreational boating

Cruise Craft

The Boating Industry Association today welcomed moves by Queensland and Western Australia to loosen the COVID-19 restrictions on recreational boating following encouraging signs of containment. Darren Vaux, BIA President, said yesterday’s announcements by the two States were good news for the boating public, businesses and jobs while maintaining a conservative approach to the protection of public health and safety. “Recreational …

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White spot disease found in southeast Queensland again

white spot disease southeast queensland again

WHITE spot disease has returned to southeast Queensland more than three years since the disease was first detected. Biosecurity Queensland undertook routine surveillance for white spot syndrome virus in Moreton Bay last month with mangrove swimming crabs returning positive for the disease. Subsequently, samples from two prawn farms on the Logan River in southeast Queensland also returned positive for white …

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Recent spike in Great Barrier Reef zoning offences

gbr zoning offences

DESPITE issuing a pre-Easter warning, Great Barrier Reef authorities were disappointed to encounter a high volume and array of illegal activity, including zoning offences, threatening the health of the Reef, and the communities dependent on it, over the long weekend. While data is still coming in from partner agencies, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and the Great Barrier Reef Marine …

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Secrets to catching big snapper in Moreton Bay

big snapper moreton bay

FORTY years ago, I was just a young lad when my father introduced me to the wonderful world of boating and fishing. I looked forward to winter. Dad and I would set the alarm clock for the crack of dawn, put the 18’ half cabin boat in at Jacobs Well and zip out to Jumpinpin for a morning fishing for …

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Crab pot pincher nipped with $5000 fine

Hervey Bay crab pot pincher

A RECREATIONAL fisher in Hervey Bay has been fined $5000 and ordered to pay restitution after admitting to interfering with commercial crab pots and illegally selling mud crabs. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner said the man was caught after Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol officers began investigating reports of people interfering with commercial crab apparatus in …

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Boating Industry Association: please stay at home this Easter

stay home easter keep white spot out nsw

THE Easter four-day weekend is typically a wonderful time for boating across Australia but 2020 is far from a typical year, with the Boating Industry Association urging people to please stay home this Easter. Fires, floods and now a pandemic have made this an extraordinary and challenging time. The BIA supports government countermeasures to protect Australians from the full impact …

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Commercial fishers fined $26,000 for taking female mud crabs

female mud crabs fine commercial crabbers

TWO Central Queensland commercial fishers caught with female mud crabs have been fined $26,000 in the Rockhampton Magistrates Court. Member for Rockhampton Barry O’Rourke said the court’s penalty sent a message to all fishers that the illegal take of Queensland fisheries resources will not be tolerated. “By blatantly disregarding Queensland’s fisheries laws and taking protected species such as female mud …

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Fishing information update from Tackle World Bundaberg

fishing information bundaberg

Unfortunately, due to the current COVID-19 situation our Fishing Report for this week is based around information rather than what’s biting at the moment. FISHING AND ESSENTIAL BOAT USE TO CONTINUE Effective Tuesday 31 March 2020 Queenslanders can still take their boats out – but only if they are catching fish for their family to eat or “essential” travel. The …

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Camping closures for Easter 2020 in Queensland

Kedron Moreton Island

Camping Closures – As part of the Queensland Governments response to COVID-19 (coronavirus) and to help keep Queenslanders safe, a decision has been made to close ALL camping areas within Queensland national parks, state forests and recreation areas as of 26 March 2020 applies until 30 June 2020 or unless otherwise advised. Four-wheel drive trails, mountain bike trails, walking tracks …

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Reconsider non-essential travel to the bay islands

Southern Moreton Bay islands

The Redland City Local Disaster Management Group  and Redland City Council are encouraging people to reconsider their need for non-essential travel to the Redlands Coast islands. This includes North Stradbroke Island (Minjerribah), Coochiemudlo Island (Goochie mudlo), and the four Southern Moreton Bay islands of Russell (Canaipa), Lamb (Ngudooroo), Macleay (Jencoomercha) and Karragarra. The request comes as Chair of the Redland …

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