Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

New logo for two Tackle Tactics brands

Tackle Tactics Pty Ltd is an Australian-owned manufacturer and distributor of quality fishing products and has recently released a new logo for two of its major brands – TT Lures and TT Rods. The new TT logo will replace the current logos and bring all Tackle Tactics products together under the one unified TT brand – TT Fishing. The new …

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From unlawful net to prohibited take of species by spear at the Clarence

unlawful net spear

During a recent patrol of the Clarence Fisheries District up in Yaegl Country, Fisheries Officers Boughton and Maskey received information regarding a person who was allegedly using an unlawful net in ocean waters adjacent to the Woody Head campground, in Bundjalung National Park. unlawful net spear After further investigation and several hours of surveillance, Fisheries Officers intercepted a 39 year …

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Sunshine Coast Noosa – weekly report

Sunshine Coast Noosa

Full steam ahead – Finally, the weather gods smiled down upon every angler across the east coast this week! With a light wind, dropping swell and a cloudless sky, it was a case of getting out there. Because the water is still dirty, it took a bit of searching for the bait to find the fish, but they were found …

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Gold Coast Coomera – weekly report

Gold Coast Coomera fishing

Hi everyone, hope you are all having a good week. After a fairly nice weekend, it was not good news to see another low-pressure system drop hundreds of millimetres of rain on the Gold and Tweed coasts, causing flooding and the rivers to rise and basically putting us back to square one… and just as the water quality was looking …

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Bundaberg – weekly report

Bundaberg fishing

INSHORE & OFFSHORE Bundaberg fishing Welcome back to another Bundaberg fishing report and what a report this is going to be. Mackerel and tuna are in full flight, and I mean literally jumping out of the water chasing bait after smashing through bait schools at a great rate of knots. All along the Bundaberg coastline you will see birds working …

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Sunshine Coast Noosa – weekly report

Sunshine Coast Noosa

Mid-week spoils – As expected, we are finally seeing a few more fishable days. With a drop in the swell mid-week, a few boats made the bar crossing with ease. For many anglers, the weather has kept them grounded but next week is shaping up to have light wind and swell, so keep a watchful eye out! Sunshine Coast Noosa …

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Gold Coast Coomera – weekly report

Hi everyone, hope you are all having a good week. It was refreshing to see some great weather this week finally, giving everyone a chance to get out on the water for consecutive days in a row. It would have to be the best week we have had all year so far on the Gold and Tweed coasts, though looking …

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Bundaberg – weekly report

Bundaberg fishing

OFFSHORE Bundaberg fishing With the smaller tides this weekend, reef fishing should be on in the deep and shallows. March and April are a couple of my favourite months of year for chasing big red emperor, so be sure to drop some big flesh bait down around the 40m mark. Fingers crossed the weather plays the game and remember to …

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Water extraction project to keep more fish in our rivers

Water extraction project

The Australian Government is providing $6.6 million to the Queensland Government to deliver a program of work that could see more young native fish survive in the northern Murray-Darling Basin rivers. Water Extraction Project  The Fish Friendly Water Extraction Project in the Condamine–Balonne and Border Rivers regions will see funds allocated to install pump screens at river off-takes, to help …

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Never become complacent about pests in Australia

complacent pests Australia

Greetings fishos and I hope 2022 is not the year we see tilapia spread further. At least, let’s all aim for that. complacent pests Australia Well done and thank you to Freshwater Fishing and Stocking Association of Queensland for continuing to push the message that pest fish of all kinds are bad for our native fish and ecosystems. complacent pests …

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