Murray cod fishos apprehended with illegal catch

Fisheries Officers in the state’s west have been busy protecting Murray Cod as their annual breeding season approaches.

Four men and one woman have been apprehended at Euston on the Murray River for offences relating to being in possession of Murray Cod greater than the 75cm upper limit.

One of the fish was found to be hidden under the flooring of a boat. Four prohibited size Murray Cod and two Murray Cod fillets were seized by officers.



As always officers did their best to revive and return fish capable of surviving to the water.

In what is expected to be a bumper breeding season, large breeding size Murray Cod are essential in providing fish for the future and must be immediately returned to the water with the least possible harm.

A series of infringement notices will be issued to the alleged offenders for being in possession of prohibited size fish, mutilating a restricted species of fish, and for master of a vessel failing to prevent a serious fisheries offence.



Fishing for Murray Cod is prohibited from 1 September until 1 December each year in inland waters, except in Copeton and Blowering dams. The three-month closure helps protect cod during the breeding season.

Anglers are reminded that the bag (two per day) and slot size (55cm to 75cm) limits apply if taking cod in the above impoundments.

Fishing laws are designed to protect, conserve and improve our fisheries resources for future generations.

Information on freshwater fishing rules can be found online at:

Suspected illegal fishing should be reported to the Fishers Watch Phoneline on 1800 043 536 or via the online form –

A summary of the rules can be found using the FishSmart App or on the DPI website at

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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