Fishing Rules

Three people fined $6177 for illegal netting at Nudgee

fined illegal netting nudgee

THE Pinkenba Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol in conjunction with staff from Queensland Parks and Wildlife (Moreton Bay Marine Park) have been undertaking joint patrols of the Nudgee beach area following fish watch reports of illegal netting occurring. During one patrol the team issued fines to three individuals totalling $6177. Two nets were located and seized, with the longest being …

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Recreational fisher convoy voices concerns about catch limits

fisher convoy catch limits

What was expected was that a line wold be drawn in the sand and for each species the existing data would be used to calculate current catch share amongst all sectors: commercial, recreational, indigenous and conservation (theirs stay in the water). If a species was then identified as in trouble everyone would take an equal hit based on their catch …

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Clarifying discussions about fisheries reform process and possession limits

fisheries reform possession limits

Dear all, There has been quite a lot of discussion about possession limits across the recreational fishing network recently and I just wanted to reiterate a few important points (and dispel a few pieces of misinformation that seem to be getting around): NO DECISIONS HAVE BEEN MADE. There continue to be comments that Fisheries Queensland has already decided on what …

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Man fined $10,000 for crab pot interference

fined $10,000 for crab pot interference

THINK twice next time you consider interfering with someone else’s crab pot. A man was prosecuted in Mackay recently and fined $10,000 for interfering with fishing apparatus. There are multiple operations and investigations into illegal crabbing activity across Queensland, with day and night patrols on waterways and at boat ramps including the use of specialised surveillance equipment like hidden cameras …

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Huge illegal net seized at Nudgee

illegal net seized nudgee

FISHERIES Queensland has fined three people thousands of dollars for illegal netting after fisheries officers seized a net measuring almost 130 metres at Nudgee earlier this month. Queensland Boating & Fisheries Patrol District Manager Brett Depper said a tip off to the Fishwatch hotline number 1800 017 116 led to the seizure. “We rely on the community reporting suspected illegal …

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Restrictions in place in SEQ for raw prawns, yabbies and marine worms

prawn restrictions white spot seq

WHITE spot disease movement restrictions are in place to stop the spread of the virus that causes white spot disease and help protect Queensland’s natural waterways. Raw prawns, yabbies and marine worms cannot be moved out of the white spot disease movement restriction area. These restrictions are in place from Caloundra to the NSW border and west to Ipswich. They …

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Stronger fisheries laws aim to combat seafood black market

new fisheries laws stronger fisheries laws black market marine park

REFORMS to modernise Queensland’s fisheries laws, including stronger compliance powers and penalties for serious offences such as seafood black marketing, have been proposed by the State Government. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development Mark Furner recently released a discussion paper on amendments to the Fisheries Act 1994 for public feedback. “The government is committed to protecting Queensland’s valuable fisheries resources and …

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Commercial fisher fined $12,000

operation turbo reef illegal crab haul red handed crabbing rules queensland aussie salvage squad fined commercial fisher fined $12,000 deter black marketing

A NORTH Queensland commercial fisher has been fined $12,000 after being found guilty of four complaints comprising 19 charges under the Fisheries Act 1994. Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol District Officer Dan Sweeney said the commercial fisher pleaded guilty to all four matters in the Cairns Magistrates’ Court. “The four matters involved a variety of offences including taking or possessing …

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Bundaberg fishers fined $7180 for illegal crabs stashed in boat

bundaberg fishers fined crabs illegal

THE successful court prosecution of two Bundaberg fishers for crabbing offences is a timely reminder to local anglers to comply with Queensland’s fishing rules and regulations. Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol district officer Geoffrey Fergusson said two recreational Bundaberg fishers were charged with a range of offences following a routine vessel inspection at the Elliot River in April 2017. “Fisheries …

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Crab pot surveillance nets 25 offenders

crab pot fines surveillance

A 12-MONTH Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol surveillance operation in north Queensland has resulted in 25 people being charged with interfering with crab pot apparatus. QBFP north Queensland district manager Glenn Shiels said the operation, which finished in January 2018, targeted Ingham, Townsville, Airlie Beach and Mackay following complaints from recreational and commercial fishers alleging interference with crab pot apparatus. …

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