THE all-new Samaki Torpedo V2 Spinner has serious attitude. Now ranging from 10g to 85g, these spinners hit the bullseye with each cast. Throw them into a school of baitfish and you’ll be attacked by every predator, or alternatively re-rig them with an assist hook and drop them to the depths to attract aggressive bottom dwellers. The elongated bullet design …
Read More »Evans Head Fishing Classic on 8-15 July 2016
THE Evans Head Fishing Classic is at the innovative front of tournament fishing and has been held annually for the past 20 years. This year the Classic will be held from July 8 to 15. Evans Head in the NSW Northern Rivers is an idyllic fishing destination and superb seaside town, and the Evans Head Fishing Classic draws people from all age groups, …
Read More »Techniques for How to Catch Fingermark in Queensland
As the squid come in towards the light you can use the squid net to scoop them up quickly. The dimmer switch comes into play if the squid are staying out of reach of the net. Once you have attracted the squid to the light, slowly dim the light and the squid will come closer until you can reach them. …
Read More »Samaki Zing Craze Rod
IF you want crazy, Samaki has got it. The Samaki Zing Craze brings a new dimension to lightweight rod design with a great sense of fun and some craziness on the side. All rods are 5’8” in length and each model is separated by camouflaged colour grips. The Zing Craze is offered in spin and overhead in a light PE1-2 …
Read More »How to Go Fishing With Kids (& Still Have Fun)
If a child hasn’t fished too much before, sitting on a snag and soaking a big live bait is a recipe for disaster. Generally this type of fishing requires patience and perseverance, and is something that kids can work towards. Land-based options abound on the Capricorn Coast and make for great locations to take keen little fishos to wet a …
Read More »Catching Murray Cod in Winter
Fishing Conditions Looking Good for Monduran Dam
The photo I saw showed a burly young guy looking like he had just run a marathon, with the hefty fish draped across his body. You could see the angler had put his heart and soul into his visit to Lake Monduran and he was justly rewarded. This fish was only a fingerling shy of the world record. The Monduran …
Read More »Copeton Dam Cod
You can jog as many times as you like until you have found that sweet spot. It’s perfect for sitting on top of a patch of fish or trying to line up the boat with pockets in the weed. Our MotorGuide electric trolling motors and all accessories are supplied through Whitsunday Outboard Centre, Cannonvale. For all your MotorGuide needs, get …
Read More »Stalking Tiger Squid in Moreton Bay
If the candles are tucked downwards and along the underside of the body while moving towards the jig, this usually means they are just following the jig to investigate further and you may need to change the retrieve or change jigs to get a take. If they approach the jig with their candles in front of their eyes, expect the …
Read More »Targeting Mangrove Jack from a Kayak
I knew exactly what I had hooked and had deliberately set my drag tight so there was no way this fish was dragging me into its home. This jack was doing everything it possibly could to snap me off, however the rudder system attached to my new kayak allowed me to easily manoeuvre my kayak and the fish out of …
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