Fishing Conditions Looking Good for Monduran Dam

With a little rain, hot days and a little wind, these all add up to favourable conditions for fishing at Monduran Dam.

Though sometimes we have to experience some not-so-favourable conditions and it can be a very fine line as to when the fish will bite and when they won’t.

Back on the Australia Day weekend we had numerous anglers come from afar to test their skills on the famous Lake Monduran (home of the world record barra). As they called into our tackle shop, Foxies Barra Havoc, my husband Les and I spent time talking barra, giving them some local knowledge and hopefully helping them to catch barramundi.

The weather around Australia Day can often be slightly unpredictable, and this year was no different. If you want to catch a barra that could go a metre-plus, you have to be on the water, especially in the afternoon through to the evening. If there looks to be the chance of a storm, persist with fishing because storms can give you a good chance of catching that monster.

When Lake Monduran produced the word record barra back in 2010, Denis Harrold fished into the bad weather and got the result. Recently it was good to hear that a young guy took our advice on the choice of lure and put in the hard yards, fishing into the evening and scoring a massive 1.3m barra.

Brett is truly dedicated to using Fysshe Lures, even getting craftsman Ian to produce special colours for him.
Brett is truly dedicated to using Fysshe Lures, even getting craftsman Ian to produce special colours for him.
A great catch on a Fysshe lure.
A great catch on a Fysshe lure.

The photo I saw showed a burly young guy looking like he had just run a marathon, with the hefty fish draped across his body. You could see the angler had put his heart and soul into his visit to Lake Monduran and he was justly rewarded. This fish was only a fingerling shy of the world record.

The Monduran Anglers and Stocking Association restocking program is really working, with big fish becoming more prevalent in the dam.

Last month I wrote about lure colour and its effects, while this month I talk about some hand-crafted lures produced by anglers to catch fish in our rich Australian waters. There are big advantages to buying Aussie-made lures built by anglers who actually catch fish and test the lure to suit the conditions. The money you spend also stays in our beautiful country and supports small businesses.

In our tackle shop and on our website we stock a number of hand-crafted tackle items as well as custom-made rods that are to die for. First, we have Lethal Leaders. This brand offers twisted shock leaders ranging from 20lb to 50lb and they are produced locally by John and Jacky Fox.

Our custom-made rods are mainly made using Samurai blanks and Fuji guides, but our craftsman can craft a rod to your exact specifications. Ian Meadows, the builder of these classy rods, has built me one with a genuine hairy oak butt and another made from American walnut.

Twin River Lures can be found in many a tackle box. Nick Stock is the craftsman behind these lures and is now working full time producing quality lures that catch fish. Tilsan timber lures are manufactured by Halco, a Western Australian business. The company has always produced lures that are strong, dependable and catch fish all over Australia, making them a must-have in the tackle box.

Founded in 2009, Balista Lures are quite unique because they feature a red light that flashes when the lure is submerged in water. This red flash imitates a bleeding baitfish and attracts the attention of lurking predators. James Dainton is the main man behind these fantastic lures and tests their designs on a wide array of species in many areas of Australia. James also travels up the east coast from Victoria to chat with tackle shop owners about his prized possessions. I have used these lures and seen various species hooked on them. They are great lures for the deep dark holes or for the avid angler who fishes throughout the night.

Smoking Drags Co makes Threadybusters, which are flexible vibration lures that seem to work everywhere. Anglers who use these lures do not generally buy a variety of other lures, they just buy a large quantity of Threadybusters. Rob Stevens of Smoking Drags Co is kept very busy with his part-time profession.

Threadybusters are strong and dependable and catch barra and salmon all along the coast. Fysshe Lures would have to be one of my favourite lure makers, and the colours that Ian Salmon produces in his range are just remarkable. Ian has designed lures for a number of lakes and rivers throughout Queensland.

Again this talented craftsman designs, tests and fishes his lures. Ian often sends me photos of great catches on Fysshe Lures, and his PBs are always improving. Keep fighting those monster GTs Ian.

These are just a few of the Aussie products we sell and support. All anglers who fish our pristine waterways should take a look at what is produced within our country and help to support small businesses.

Until next time, good luck and have fun fishing.

About Donna Gane

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