Fishing respectfully in NSW


A healthy fishing future is in your hands and creating a positive community of fishers is fundamental to safeguarding our waterways and supporting sustainable fishing, ensuring thriving oceans and marine resources for generations to come. By protecting fish stocks and preserving and ensuring the places we love remain safe and accessible for all, we can maintain the incredible fishing experiences …

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Make sure you know the law on restricted species


Lucky enough to catch a feed on the water, plan on processing it? Make sure you know the law! restricted In NSW any species of fish with a size limit is known as a ‘restricted species’. If you’ve caught, collected or speared a restricted species the ONLY types of processing you are permitted to do while in, on or adjacent …

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Going fishing made easier in NSW


Summer is a wonderful time of year for a family getaway or a fishing trip with friends, and DPI Fisheries is making it a little easier for you to find and explore fishy destinations. Our free Go Fishing handbooks are packed full of useful information, with easy-to-read maps detailing popular local fishing locations, tips and techniques for common species plus …

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Mobile seafood vendor caught red handed


Mobile seafood vendor caught red handed selling recreationally caught mud crabs! Fisheries Officers from Inverell conducted a routine post-harvest inspection on a mobile seafood vendor targeting the supply and sale of black-market seafood. NSW DPI Fisheries Officers conducted a quality inspection of the vendor and reviewed prescribed records concerning the lawful seafood. As a result of the inspection Fisheries Officers …

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Fish kills in NSW

Fish Kills

Fish kills are defined as a sudden mass mortality of wild fish. Fish kills can occur at any time, though data indicates fish kills are more likely to occur in summer or following sudden changes in temperature. Some of the key causes of fish kills are outlined in the information below. Blackwater Blackwater occurs naturally over time when leaf litter …

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Environmental impact when crabbing


Crab fishing is a popular activity, particularly during the warmer months and with summer around the corner there is no better time to brush up your knowledge on ways to help minimise your environmental impact when out crab fishing with our new responsible crabbing series. It is important to know that not all crab fishing gear performs in the same …

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More mulloway for Hastings River NSW


More than 60 “advanced size” mulloway have recently been stocked into the Hastings River, a popular Recreational Fishing Haven near Port Macquarie on the NSW mid-north coast as part of a research program. The dedicated team at DPI’s Port Stephens Fisheries Institute marine hatchery have successfully released a new cohort of tagged juvenile mulloway into the river. These mulloway, averaging …

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Repeat offender fined and sentenced in NSW


An illegal fisher was recently sentenced to an 18-month community corrections order with an additional fine of $500.00 in Belmont Local Court. NSW Fisheries Officers received a report via the Fishers Watch Hotline from a member of the public regarding illegal fishing activity at Moonee Beach, near Catherine Hill Bay, NSW. NSW Fisheries Officers investigated the report and 4 witnesses …

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Two new artificial reefs now deployed in NSW


Forster and Central Coast artificial reefs are now in and available for recreational fishers in NSW! Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes in building artificial reefs in NSW? Two new artificial reefs have recently been deployed off Forster and the Central Coast. Each reef has a footprint of 16m x 16m and are 12m high. These pictures show …

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Unmarked crab traps in NSW


NSW DPI Fisheries Officers recently conducted a clean-up of abandoned and unmarked crab traps in the Port Stephens area preparing for the crab season ahead. A reminder to recreational fisherman targeting crabs to ensure they are marking their floats correctly and checking traps regularly to allow for safe release of undersize crabs, non-target fish or other wildlife species that may …

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