
Good Results from Jumpinpin Region

The Coomera River has been hot and cold with regards to whiting and we’ve had to try a number of places before getting onto the fish. Even then the bites haven’t been steady throughout the session because there’s often a mad flurry of activity and hooked fish followed by long periods of no action whatsoever. The kids have been pretty good during …

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Land-Based Fishing Around Brisbane

I don’t mind fishing this location with the kids because often they’ll be preoccupied with building sand castles anyway. It’s also great because I don’t have to worry about dingoes or four-wheel-drives on the beach. When land-based fishing you sometimes really have to put in the hard yards and try several areas, but it’s a great way to while away the …

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Bracing for Summer Species Onslaught

HELLO and welcome to this month’s edition of BNB. While the odd gutter is visible on South Ballina and Angels beaches, the numbers of fish they are producing has been fairly low. Some of the better action has come from Boulders and Seven Mile beaches, with quality dart and bream taking pipis and beach worms during the run-up tide. At this time …

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Beach Fishing in SEQ

It gives you the most beautiful views of the beach to the north and south as well as regular offshore displays from whales and often sharks, dolphins, turtles and pelagics close to the rocks. Please take care though and stay back from the edge because there is no fence. We also did a couple of trips to Eli Creek, which is …

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Warmer weather means the fish are chewing!

Though if you want to have some fun have a go chasing the whiting on surface lures, with the 65mm Fish Candy Skinny Dog producing the better numbers and the odd elbow slapper. Though the water is warm the trevally schools have be present throughout the Tewantin Ski Run and Woods Bays. Using surface lures early morning like the River2Sea …

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Persistence Pays Off in Bundaberg Estuaries

As the tide slowly began to drop, these somewhat safe shallows started draining, forcing the smaller fish and bait into dangerous territory, and we attempted to imitate the nervous bait using soft plastic and hard-bodied lures. A hot fishing session earlier in the year resulted from casting around this draining ledge, so I was itching for another hot barramundi bite this …

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Tips for Targeting Whiting on Lures

The puffs of sand, mud or shell grit created by the bib of the lure hitting the bottom are what I believe create most of the strikes because the whiting instinctively smash the lure out of hunger or territorial aggression. Perhaps the whiting interpret the lure and puffs of sediment as being a prawn, yabby or some other type of bait …

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How to Troll – The Art of Trolling

I always try to set my lures about 20m behind the boat and my trolling speed is a slow idle. It is difficult to put an accurate speed to this technique but I always imagine that my boat is moving at a good walking pace. Another vital link in the chain is to remember that when you commence trolling, you …

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The Right Gear for Whiting

Float lining for snapper is an easy and very effective way to consistently catch fish, and when you’re trying to fish a new area or target a new species, keeping it simple is best. A 6-8kg rod, 5000-size reel loaded with 20lb braid and a 30lb leader make up the gear needed, along with a gang of three 4/0 to …

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Try for Flathead, Whiting, Bream & Travally at Tin Can Bay

What a mix of different weather this past week from absolute glorious conditions earlier in the week including some stinking hot days to strong winds that would blow a dog off it’s chain and now rain at Tin Can Bay!  Looking at the forecast for the weekend this wind is set to decrease over the next few days although will …

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