Fishing Articles

From Newcastle to Noosa and Tewantin to the Torres Strait, Bush ‘n Beach Fishing magazine has got you covered with fishing articles from Australia’s most experienced anglers. Whether you’re into flathead, whiting, snapper, mackerel, bream, tuna, Murray cod, barramundi or bass fishing, there are fishing articles here to suit your interests. If you have an idea for a fishing article, email Bush ‘n Beach subeditor Dan at  l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

Good-quality catches around Cairns

large-mouth nannygai

We have experienced varying success on spanish mackerel, and mackerel numbers seem to be down a little. However plenty of large fish in the 15-20kg range have been reported. Our best effort was a monster 35kg specimen that gave one lucky angler a real fight. We normally put a floater or live bait out while at anchor and troll lures …

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Wild bass in small creeks

Wild bass

The association also organises its own fishing competitions and hosts several others throughout the year. Though chasing bass in Lake Macdonald is exciting and rewarding, there is something about the smash and crash of a wild bass as it hits your lure and heads straight back to its snag. I believe wild bass, pound for pound, will out-fight an impoundment …

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