NSW Fisheries grants now open

Applications for Recreational Fishing Trust Grants are now open! NSW Fisheries

Would you like to improve recreational fishing in your local area? Fishers and community members are encouraged to apply for funding from the Recreational Fishing Trusts for projects that improve and promote recreational fishing across NSW. NSW Fisheries

Anyone can apply for funding from the Recreational Fishing Trusts, including fishing organisations, councils, universities, community groups and individuals. Grants are available for both large projects valued at more than $10,000 in funding and small projects valued under $10,000.

🔹 Fishing access and facilities
🔹 Enhancing recreational fisheries
🔹 Recreational fishing education
🔹 Essential research on recreational fishing
🔹 Other projects that benefit recreational fishing

Other information

Habitat rehabilitation projects
Please note – Recreational Fishing Trust funding for projects that restore, rehabilitate and protect fish habitat is available through the DPI Habitat Action Grants Program. These require a different funding application form. Aquatic habitat rehabilitation project applications must be submitted via the Habitat Action Grants Program rather than the general Recreational Fishing Trust funding round.

Any aquatic habitat rehabilitation projects received during the general Recreational Fishing Trust funding round will be referred to the Habitat Action Grants Program or back to the applicant. For further information on the habitat projects please contact the Habitat Action Grants Program coordinator on fish.habitat@dpi.nsw.gov.au or phone (02) 6763 1206.

Fish stocking projects
Please note – a different application form applies to re-stocking rivers or impoundments with freshwater native fish. An Expression of Interest to re-stock public waters with native fish through the Dollar for Dollar Native Fish Stocking Program is released in February each year. For further information phone (02) 6763 1217.

Any relevant freshwater fish stocking applications received during the general Recreational Fishing Trust funding round will be referred to the Dollar for Dollar Native Fish Stocking Program or back to the applicant.

Funding guidelines and application forms are available here and applications close on 29 June 2022. Contact NSW DPI by email on recreational.fishingtrust@dpi.nsw.gov.au.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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