Search Results for: zerek

Trip to Saumarez Reef

THERE’S not much to report on my fishing charters because I’ve only been out once over the past month. We caught a couple of flathead and a few small snapper, but I just haven’t been able to line up with any good weather, so hopefully next month will be better – we’ll see how we go. Saumarez Reef On the …

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Summer options in the Bay

AS summer kicks into gear, species such as estuary cod, mangrove jack, threadfin salmon, snapper, grass sweetlip, spangled emperor, tuskfish, moses perch, trevally and other pelagics come into play. Most of the reef species can be found around the bay islands, artificial reefs and in the Brisbane River, while pelagics are found in more open waters. The shipping channel, Rous, …

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Benefits of a fishing guide

FOR the past 25 years or so of my life, I have been well and truly bitten by the fishing bug and have tried to learn as much as I can about our great sport. This includes subscriptions to magazines such as this one, reading books, watching videos and, with the advent of social media and subscription TV channels, following …

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Pre-summer warm up

NOVEMBER is a great time to start planning for the next month as we head towards my favourite time of the year – the pelagic run. This year things are set to be quite different, with La Niña being the driver for a better than average pelagic season. Summer warm up For now though, expect to find a few big …

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Tips for Moreton Bay snapper and flathead

Applying a more targeted approach with select techniques on the right part of the tide, with a particular species in mind, has definitely caught more fish lately. I haven’t had that much time on the water this month, but even so I have managed to pick up quite a few nice southern bay fish on lures. There were a couple …

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Brisbane spring and summer jewfish

THE Brisbane River is home to a huge array of fish including  bream, flathead, snapper, cod, king threadfin salmon and jewfish. The trick with the river is knowing how and where to target these species. In this article I’ll cover how to catch big jewfish in spring and summer, as there are less soapies around later in the year. summerjewfish …

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Last chance to get your barramundi fix

OCTOBER is a month of mixed emotions. It’s one of the best months to chase saltwater barramundi on the Capricorn Coast, but sadly it’s the final month of the season. East coast saltwater barra closed season starts on November 1 through to January 31. This means October is the time to grab your barra gear and head out for a …

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Warm weather wakes up Noosa fishing

WITH winter behind us, water temperature is increasing and the species list on offer is improving. Estuaries will see packs of whiting and bream during the day, with flathead one of the biggest targets and there are huge models out there. Offshore we can expect to find large jewfish, trout, cobia, pearl perch and even early pelagic action. In dams …

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Still time for a tailor in Queensland

WESTERLY wind and early spring spell tailor season, and whether you’re an avid beach fisher or boat angler, this is a great species to be targeting. Queensland’s southern surf beaches and rocky headlands are popular destinations for tailor fishing, with Fraser, Moreton, North and South Stradbroke islands and the surf beaches of the Sunshine and Gold coasts all fantastic places …

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Hinchinbrook in a tinnie – part two

THIS month we’ll be looking at part two of our Hinchinbrook tinnie trip. The morning after our epic mangrove jack session, we took dad out to end of Lucinda Bulk Sugar Terminal. Almost everything lives around the terminal, so you never know what’s going to eat your lure next. I landed a small coral trout on a Zerek Fish Trap …

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