Tim Mulhall with a nice whiting he caught early in the week.

Plenty of impressive reef fish to be hooked around Bundaberg

Plenty of impressive reef fish to be hooked around Bundaberg


Once again there might be some small windows of opportunity to get out and wet a line off Bundaberg this weekend. The few boats that headed out last weekend, though it was a little rougher than the forecast, managed to land plenty of impressive reef fish, including coral trout, green jobfish, red emperor, grass sweetlip and parrot. Let’s hope the forecast comes good this weekend. As always, check the latest forecast prior to heading out.


The Burnett is still producing plenty of quality estuary fish with flathead, bream and grunter being the three most talked-about species. The river mouth is fishing very well with plenty of winter whiting just offshore from the Burnett Heads Lighthouse. Small school mackerel have been in good numbers along the coastline, and some cracking bream over 40cm along the North Wall. There are still a few blue salmon hanging around Rubyanna and Fairymead Bend with 30g Samaki Vibelicious vibes the key to success on the salmon. The Town Reach has seen a few three-tooth jewfish schooled up and they are an awesome fish to catch on light gear. Up towards Splitters Creek some nice flathead and summer whiting have fired up and should only improve this weekend with the full moon on Tuesday next week. Bundaberg

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Baffle Creek and the Kolan River have also been firing with good reports of flathead, grunter, bream, whiting and queenfish being caught. Using yabbies, beach worms and small prawns have been the most effective way to catch bream, grunter and whiting. Casting poppers and stickbait at the river mouths for queenfish and small giant trevally is always exciting. Bundaberg


With the full moon early next week, this weekend should be prime time to target some summer whiting with yabbies and beach worms in the shallows. A few nice mangrove jack are just starting to fire up around Shark’s Nest and this will only improve over the next few months.


As most keen barramundi fishermen know, three or four days before the full moon is the ideal time to target these awesome sportfish. Even though the water temperature is low, plenty of barra between 60-95cm have been willing to play the game. Stand-out lures include Lucky Craft Pointers and the new Samaki Redic range, which have both been kicking a few goals.


The Queensland seasonal closure for snapper and pearl perch came into effect from 12.01am on July 15 and will run until 11.59pm on August 15. During this time snapper and pearl perch will be ‘no-take’ species, to protect the fish during spawning and to help rebuild stocks. More information can be found on the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries website at https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/business-priorities/fisheries/sustainable/sustainable-fisheries-strategy/fisheries-reforms  Bundaberg

Until next time, fish with confidence.

Dale Smith

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