prawns arrive brisbane

Prawns arrive around north Brisbane

Well we’ve definitely seen the prawns arrive; good numbers have been taken from Cabbage Tree Creek through to the Pine. We have been told that once you find them it does not take long to get a good feed.

We had a ¼ of a bucket dropped off at the shop today and they will quickly become cutlets and we appreciate the feed!

Eddy ventured up the Brisbane River to and landed himself a nice Threadie, this part of the River will provide you a great catch and give you a few memories. Most of the Threadies taken in the River are normally enticed withy a bit of live bait either Mullet or Herring. Don’t be afraid to flick out the old Plastic of bigger Blade for a bit of fun as well. This one fell to a nice little live bait.

Peter reported that there have been some stonker Long Tails out in the Bay, landing one and almost boating the other. The first Long Tail gave up the challenge after a 90-minute battle on light gear and came into the boat. This one was taken on a plastic and gave a good account for itself.

The second and larger one battled nearly 2 hours and Pete claimed this one as bagged as he managed to grab the leader a couple of times before it decided to part ways under the boat!

A great feed of Long Tail and bruises the size of grapefruit was a timely reminder to have the gimble ready as you never know what is going to curry!

Get out there, share your catch with us, grab a photo (in Landscape) and enjoy.

Maintain the Passion!

Tackle Land Sandgate

About Tackle Land Sandgate

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