
Tooltip Triggeruscipit sed at montes at tellus. Aliquam nisl penatibus commodo massa mi rutrum, ut massa mollis dolor dui at, tortor ullamcorper vel diam pretium sit leo, pellentesque in leo eu mauris mollis aliquam, ultricies adipiscing eu a dui sollicitudin posuere. Massa vivamus ac ipsum, pede enim quam sit, mus aliquam amet pede quis laboriosam.

Sunshine Coast Noosa – weekly report

Sunshine Coast Noosa

While the wind persists and the swell continues to hit the bar, the offshore scene has experienced less traffic. Some boat owners braved the bar and took their time to make it safely across the set waves. A full moon mid-week meant conditions were tough, with a slow morning bite and winds picking up mid-morning, the opportunities were in short …

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Gold Coast Coomera – weekly report

Hi Everyone, hope you have all had a great week and enjoyed the Australia Day public holiday, with moderate south easterly winds and rain showers hanging most of the week on the Tweed and Gold Coasts fishing has been a bit tuff unless you can find a nice spot to hide from the wind. As we head into the weekend …

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Fisher fined $7500 for illegal catches


A fisher has been fined $7,500 in the Maroochydore Magistrates Court after pleading guilty to going well over the Spanish mackerel catch limit on two occasions. The limit for a recreational fisher is three per person, and the offender was found on two separate occasions with 14 and 13 excess fish. The Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol uses a range …

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Myths busted on jew

Myths busted on jew

It never ceases to amaze me how many anglers still believe jewfish are primarily a night-time feeder, when in fact anglers in the know will actually catch the bulk of their large jew during daylight hours. Myths busted on jew Personally, all of my 30kg plus fish have been taken during the day and the majority of my 20kg plus …

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Suzuki unveils new DF115B and DF140B mechanical drive outboard range

Suzuki DF115B DF140B

Suzuki Motor Corporation have today unveiled a new mechanical range of mid-sized outboard motors, the DF115B and DF140B, due to arrive in Australian dealerships from March. Superseding the ever-popular DF115A and DF140A outboard motors, the new “B” series feature a host of updates, many of which are shared with the highly acclaimed DF115BG, and DF140BG Suzuki Precision Control (SPC) drive-by-wire …

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Top options for Sunshine Coast

options Sunshine Coast

Well, here we are again, another year has gone and what a year it has been! options Sunshine Coast We have seen some good rainfall, windy days, glassed out sessions and great fishing, which hopefully continues to only get better. options Sunshine Coast With La Niña officially occuring more rainfall is expected, but this isn’t a bad thing as our …

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Success fishing isolated patches of reef

fishing isolated reef

Hi everyone, first up I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and let’s hope the new year is good to us all. fishing isolated reef By now there should be some good pelagic action off Noosa and Double Island. fishing isolated reef Spotted and spanish mackerel should be around on Stingrays and Noosa Hill maybe. fishing isolated reef Jew Shoal, …

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Fish to ability not expectation

Fish ability expectation

Holy cow, another year is done and dusted. I hope everyone had a great holiday period with friends and family. Fish ability expectation After a tough spring, I am looking forward to summer settling in. Fish ability expectation A massive shout out to all my supporters – sometimes a kind word from a reader makes you smile. Fish ability expectation But …

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Cape Capricorn trip

Cape Capricorn trip

I’ve been working back in Gladstone for over 12 months now and on the weekends that I don’t return to Brisbane, I’m always keen to pass the time by wetting a line if I get a chance. Cape Capricorn trip Earlier in the year, the weather gods had been fairly nice, allowing me to get out early and hit the …

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Tips for wet summer fishing

wet summer fishing

Rain, we’ve had a lot of it and we are in for a lot more, so they reckon. wet summer fishing It’s certainly affected the fishing scene in the river systems, that’s for sure. wet summer fishing There are always good and bad points to a wet summer. wet summer fishing The bad is that the people upstream miss out …

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