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Gold Coast Coomera – weekly report

Gold Coast Coomera fishing

Hi everyone, hope you have all had a good week. The first week of school holidays was greeted with extra tough weather conditions on the Gold Coast – strong wind gusts from the north and the south combined with a big swell made finding a feed hard work for those who hit the water. Looking at the forecast at the …

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Trailer boat trips to Fraser Island

Fraser Island – it’s a fishing and boating paradise and, to me, it is simply one of the greatest places on earth. For all its beauty though, Fraser can be a brutal place at times, with many boats and four-wheel-drives coming undone on its soft white sands. Trailer boat trips to Fraser Island can be very rewarding but it’s important …

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Water temp and action heat up on Capricorn Coast

September Capricorn

Well, we weathered the storm and have come out the other side – winter is now officially behind us. Pack away the Ugg boots and tracksuit pants and watch the water temperature start to rise. September is a great time to get back into those prime estuary species. September Capricorn Metabolic rates will be on the increase and tropical species …

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Ultimate Swain Reefs trip

Imagine a trip to the Swain Reefs on a fully catered boat with excellent facilities enjoying fantastic dory fishing every single day. Well, that is exactly what we did on the Capricorn Star out of Yeppoon this year, pre-COVID lockdown. Swain Reefs trip The trip started with a glassy sea all the way on the 250km run to our destination …

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Tuna down deep – flathead fire

More horrible weather, lockdowns and tough bites to report, but thankfully the nibbles weren’t as hard as last month. Surprisingly, tuna have been the saviours on a few trips – winter fish tend to school deep – pushing light tackle rods to their limits, especially when they’re around that 15kg mark. Even sub-10kg longtail tuna will make life difficult on …

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Short trip to Fraser and Eurong

With beach fishing sessions in full swing, myself and a few friends did a short trip staying at Eurong Beach Resort in late July. This was somewhat of a bonus, with our big trip of 10-nights planned for late August. Fraser Eurong For four nights, the Eurong Beach Resort was a perfect location for our sortie. Not only is this …

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Bundaberg – weekly report

BUNDABERG OFFSHORE How good was the weather forecast last weekend! It was fantastic to see all our local boat ramps choc-o-block with trailers. By all reports there was plenty of nice red emperor, coral trout, coronation trout, redthroat emperor, hussar and grass sweetlip that made their way into ice boxes last weekend. Plenty of cobia were also caught on the …

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Fantastic flathead and super soapies at Iluka

Holy moley goalie, it’s September already which means spring has sprung and winter is over for another year. At Iluka, August saw excellent catches of bream from the breakwalls, beaches and headlands, with jewfish to be had from the breakwalls, headlands and inside the mighty Clarence River, while inside the river, luderick dominated catches. flathead soapies Iluka Actually, jewfish were …

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Gold Coast Coomera – weekly report

HI everyone, hope you have all had a good week, the weather has certainly warmed up during the start of spring on the Gold Coast, which is great news for those anglers who enjoy targeting inshore estuary species because they’ll be on the move. Gold Coast Coomera With September school holidays kicking off this weekend, it’s a great time to …

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Sunshine Coast Noosa – weekly report

What a beautiful time of the year! Right now has to be the best time to be living on the Sunshine Coast. The daytime temperatures are perfect and the weather despite a few gusts is also magical! Sunshine Coast Noosa Offshore It’s a great time to be an angler and for those on the water this weekend the conditions didn’t …

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