Bundaberg fishing
Danny Munn with a grass sweetlip off Bundaberg.

Bundaberg – weekly report

OFFSHORE Bundaberg fishing

With the recent weather patterns, most of the offshore spots haven’t seen much action and fishers have been chomping at the bit to get out wide. There should be some nice fish caught on slack tides this weekend. We have a full moon so there will be a fair bit of run, but the top and bottom of the tide will be the times to fish. Always check the weather before heading out! It’s looking OK for this weekend, but it could always change. Bundaberg fishing

Bundaberg fishing
Lezz Symons with a flathead he caught recently at Kellys Beach in Bargara.


The local inshore reefs have been producing some quality fish. Around Four Mile Reef off the Elliott River there have been coral trout, grass sweetlip, grunter, queenfish and school mackerel. There have been reports of spanish mackerel off the coast too. Fish have been caught on a range of lures and bait and the Halco Laser Pro White Redhead has been doing the damage. The soft prawn lures and the jerk shads have been working well on trout, sweetlip and queenfish. They have also been catching mackerel floating unweighted pilchard. Bundaberg fishing


The river systems have been fishing well after the rain. With freshwater running into the rivers, it stirs up the mud, filling the systems with nutrients and aerating the water. Prawns will start to be on the move as well. Grunter and bream have been caught throughout the river systems, but most of the bigger models have been caught towards the river mouths. This time of the year, flathead start to move onto the flats to chase sprat, poddy mullet and prawns. They are always easier to catch in the shallow sand and mud flats because they are looking for baitfish that prefer the warmer water. Bundaberg fishing

Bundaberg fishing
Liam Duffy with a 103cm barramundi he pulled out of the Burnett River recently.


The moons are going to be right this weekend. With the lead up to the full moon and the constant wind direction, we should see some cracking numbers coming out of the dam over the next week. The go-to lures are the 100mm Samaki Redic in whitebait colour and Berkley PowerBait 6” Hollowbelly rigged on an 8/0 1/2oz Barambah Lures jig head. The slow roll method for the retrieve has been producing the good-sized fish. The tree lines and submerged timber have been the pick of places, with many good-sized fish being caught and lost. There has been a lot of weed growing in the dam again, with some anglers using frogs and surface lures over the top and this has been showing a few promising signs.

The Humminbird Fishing Classic is on at Lake Monduran from Friday March 18 to Sunday March 20, so be aware if you are heading up to the lake this weekend that there will be more people about than usual. Good luck to all participants.

Until next time, tight lines.
Nathan Sutton
Tackle World Bundaberg


Bundaberg fishing
Jackson home with a spanish mackerel he caught off Bargara.
Great catch Jackson! Call into the store to collect your $50 gift card.

If you would like your catch photos published to be in the running for a $50 gift card every week, please email your details and photos of local catches only to accounts@tackleworldbundy.com.au

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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Bundaberg – weekly fishing report

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