More to come – Right now, it certainly feels as though we are getting a lot of rainfall, with more to come. So far this month, we have received record falls, but there is light at the end of this rather wet tunnel. Sunshine Coast Noosa
For those able to get out, the fishing has produced for many. Offshore fishable days have been few, with many anglers making short trips to fish areas such as North and Sunshine reefs. Mid-week there was a lull in the wind, which saw some of the local charter boats get stuck into a great mixed bag of reef fish and spanish mackerel. Sunshine Coast Noosa
As written about in the previous week’s report, this dirty water is carrying a lot of sediment and food in the form of baitfish and prawns out into the bay. The big spring tides we saw with the new moon have seen the bay fill with baitfish and as such, those bottom-dwelling fish are feeding hard. If heading out and using bait, don’t be afraid to use big oily bait. Typical bait rigs always include pilchard and squid but don’t forget mullet and even mullet gut. If you are finding small fish are taking your bait, make sure you use some super fine bait thread. This handy must-have piece of tackle is often overlooked by anglers and once experienced you’ll ask yourself why you didn’t use it sooner. Sunshine Coast Noosa
Surf fishing continues to see smaller fish caught around the mouth, with a few bigger flathead showing up. There are also some big shovelnose rays about and these will give you a big fight – they don’t behave like normal rays and will run and give you big head shakes. These are often thought to be big jewfish, which could also be getting around in the dirty water, so always play your fish to the end.

The river continues to run dirty and as such you should concentrate all efforts around the lower estuary where the biggest tidal flow can be observed. Things have cleaned up a little but the run-off from the everglades is keeping the waters upriver very fresh. Much like the river mouth, there have been some extra-large flathead getting around. With freshwater dominating the upper water level, it pays to fish down deep or hard on the bottom. Running sinkers with whitebait worked along the drop-offs of the dog beach and sandbags will pick up flatties. As we move toward neap tides this week, the currents will slow and we could see things clear up a little more.
Fishing around Munna Point Bridge is often a great place for trevally and flatties, with lure anglers doing well with blades and soft vibes. Come in and check out a huge range of soft vibes, which are one of the easiest lures to work. This makes them a great starting point for beginners, with simple lift and drop techniques working best. If looking for mud crabs, now is still a great time to put a few pots out. Always ensure your pots have some mullet heads secured with a bait clip and are suitably weighted down if you aren’t tying them off. During a big rain event, pots will get dragged downriver, so keep an eye on reports if leaving them in the open. If you do need some last-minute supplies, we always carry a wide range of gear to help you out.
Freshwaters dams are closed in the local area due to excess flows and poor water quality. Check the Seqwater website for up-to-date recreational area reports.
Now for all the latest information, log onto for up-to-date bar and fishing reports, and don’t forget to drop into Tackle World Noosa, Noosa Boating and Outdoors and Northshore Bait & Tackle in Marcoola for all the right equipment, bait and advice to get you catching.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and remember tight lines and bent spines!