Fishing News

Bundaberg fishers fined $7180 for illegal crabs stashed in boat

bundaberg fishers fined crabs illegal

THE successful court prosecution of two Bundaberg fishers for crabbing offences is a timely reminder to local anglers to comply with Queensland’s fishing rules and regulations. Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol district officer Geoffrey Fergusson said two recreational Bundaberg fishers were charged with a range of offences following a routine vessel inspection at the Elliot River in April 2017. “Fisheries …

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Using the right bait helps stop the spread of disease

wild caught prawns right bait

TO ensure the ongoing health of Queensland’s extraordinary marine habitat and to protect local industries, Biosecurity Queensland is urging fishers to ‘Be a mate, and check your bait’. It is really important that fishers only use the right bait in the form of Australian wild-caught prawns from a quality bait supplier or catch their own bait. Imported prawns could potentially …

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Movement restrictions apply this prawning season

movement restrictions southeast qld prawns

WITH the prawning season kicking off in southeast Queensland, it is important to remember movement restrictions are in place in Moreton Bay. To help protect Queensland’s beautiful natural waterways, fishers must not move raw prawns, yabbies and marine worms out of the white spot disease movement restriction area in southeast Queensland. The movement restrictions are in place from Caloundra to …

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Crab pot surveillance nets 25 offenders

crab pot fines surveillance

A 12-MONTH Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol surveillance operation in north Queensland has resulted in 25 people being charged with interfering with crab pot apparatus. QBFP north Queensland district manager Glenn Shiels said the operation, which finished in January 2018, targeted Ingham, Townsville, Airlie Beach and Mackay following complaints from recreational and commercial fishers alleging interference with crab pot apparatus. …

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Catch some funding for fish stocking

funding for native fish stocking nsw

APPLICATIONS for the NSW Department of Primary Industries 2018-19 Dollar for Dollar Native Fish Stocking Program are now open, with angling and community groups, individuals, councils and other relevant organisations encouraged to apply for funding. The program, which is now in its 20th season, offers matching funding to buy fish from registered private hatcheries for restocking into approved public waters in …

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Fly fishing casts a new light on mental health

the fly program mental health men

“The outdoors creates a relaxed opportunity to share their stories with other men who may be experiencing similar challenges.” For more information on The Fly Program, visit If you or someone you know needs help, call MensLine Australia on 1300 78 99 78 or for crisis support phone Lifeline 24/7 on 13 11 14 or visit

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Nine fishers saved after six days adrift at sea

nine fishers adrift for six days

The Cape Fourcroy crew resupplied the vessel with food, water and fuel and they were able to proceed back to PNG under their own steam. Commander MBC, Rear Admiral Peter Laver, praised the work of the Cape Fourcroy crew on board. “While our focus in the Torres Strait is protecting Australia’s waters from maritime security threats, the presence of the dedicated crews on our …

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Hazelwood Pondage reopens for Victorian barra fishing opportunities

victorian barra fishing barramundi farm

A NEW section of Hazelwood Pondage officially opened for Victorian barra fishing action on Thursday, February 1. Gippsland Water has permitted access to a 500m stretch of land, which runs alongside the pondage channel where the majority of barramundi now reside. Some of these trophy fish are longer than a metre and they’re now easier to target than ever before! Note that …

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Australia and Vietnam stamping out illegal fishing

australia vietnam stamping out illegal fishing

THE Australian Fisheries Management Authority has completed a joint public information campaign with the Vietnamese Ministry for Agriculture and Rural Development and the Vietnamese Directorate of Fisheries in Vietnam, as part of efforts to combat illegal foreign fishing in our oceans. Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources Anne Ruston said over 200 Vietnamese fishers and government officials attended the …

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