Fishing Rules

Aussie Salvage Squad crew member fined for taking female crabs

operation turbo reef illegal crab haul red handed crabbing rules queensland aussie salvage squad fined commercial fisher fined $12,000 deter black marketing

As posted on the Fisheries Queensland Facebook page: You may remember an episode of Aussie Salvage Squad that aired back in September 2018 which showed members of the crew taking and cooking female mud crabs in Airlie Beach. As promised, we followed up on your concerns and interviewed the team. One member of the crew was issued with two infringement …

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Crab pots seized, body cameras worn by Sunshine Coast fisheries officers

body cameras fisheries qld

SUNSHINE Coast Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol officers have seized 130 crab pots from the Maroochy River during a targeted operation in January. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner said the operation targeted abandoned crab pots which could continue to ‘ghost fish’.  “Ghost fishing happens when lost or abandoned fishing gear continues to catch crabs, fish and …

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Get ready for barramundi season

barra open season 2019

QUEENSLAND anglers are gearing up for barramundi season, which re-opens at midday on Friday, February 1. Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol district manager Tony Loader reminded fishers to check the size and possession limits that apply to the iconic Queensland species when the season opens. “It’s important that fishers refresh their knowledge of the rules and regulations before dropping a …

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Don’t zone out on the Reef this summer

great barrier reef zone

KNOW your zones and protect your patch when you’re out on the water this summer — that’s the message from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority in the busy holiday period. With several recreational fishers convicted in recent months for fishing in no-take green zone areas, the Authority’s field management assistant director Ben Kettle said it was a timely reminder …

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Seized black marketer’s boat serves as a warning

seized black marketer boat red claw

A FISHING boat has been seized and forfeited to the state and a recreational fisher and restaurant manager fined more than $8600 for black marketing of red claw. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner welcomed the successful court prosecution, as the Queensland Government moves to further strengthen fisheries laws. “Unlicensed selling of fisheries resources undermines the legitimate …

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Have your say on the future of Moreton Bay shellfish collecting

shellfish collecting

THE Queensland Government is seeking public feedback as it considers closing Moreton Bay to shellfish collecting. Fisheries Queensland executive director Claire Andersen said there continues to be a serious level of non-compliance with fisheries regulations for collecting shellfish, particularly at Sandstone Point. “This year, 74 fisheries infringement notices with fines of $19,386 have been issued for unlawful collecting of molluscs …

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Second annual closure looms for coral reef fin fish

second annual closure

CORAL reef fin fish will be off-limits from Monday, 5 November 2018, in the second of two annual closures to protect these fish during spawning season. Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol District Manager Tony Loader said the closure would start immediately after midnight at the beginning of 5 November and end immediately before midnight at the end of 9 November. …

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Future closure dates set for coral reef fin fish

coral trout 7 closure dates coral reef fin fish

FISHERS planning to go reef fishing can make plans well in advance after long-term closure dates were set for coral reef fin fish. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner recently announced the dates for coral reef fin fish closed seasons for 2019 to 2023. “Setting the closure dates for the next five years will provide certainty for …

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New moon brings annual fishing closures

coral reef fin fish annual fishing closures

CORAL reef fin fish will be off-limits from Saturday, October 6, 2018 as the first of two annual fishing closures to protect these fish during spawning season commences. Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol District Manager Tony Loader said the two five-day closures coincided with the new moon when key coral reef fish species aggregate to spawn. “October and November have …

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Fishers’ pockets pipped $8000 after excessive pipi take

daf pipi fine possession

EXCEEDING pipi possession limits has seen two recreational fishers fined a total of $8000 in the Noosa Magistrates’ Court. Fisheries Minister Mark Furner said the two fishers were caught on Teewah Beach with a total of 3591 pipis in June 2017. “The possession limit for pipis in Queensland is 50 per person, so the two fishers had in their possession …

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