
Topwater redemption trip

Topwater redemption trip

While much of the country has experienced a lot of rain recently, the far north has so far managed to avoid the usual number of significant rain events. Topwater redemption trip To this end, having the right conditions to take a trip into the headwater of our local rivers have been too infrequent. Topwater redemption trip But a nice fall …

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ICOLLS – Complex environment, important fish habitat

With heavy rain and large seas making its impact across our State, NSW Fisheries Officers are out and about on the lookout for attempts to illegally open Intermittently Closed and Open Lakes and Lagoons (ICOLLs) on the NSW coast. Illegal openings of lakes and lagoons have the potential to lead to large scale fish kills and ongoing environmental impacts. ICOLLs …

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Sussing out Swain Reefs

Sussing Swain Reefs

Well, we’ve certainly experienced some crazy weather over the past three months or so, with relentless strong wind and ridiculous amounts of rainfall. Sussing Swain Reefs I feel for the thousands of people who have been affected by the floods and my thoughts are with you all. Sussing Swain Reefs Now, I know it’s been a while between articles, but …

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Boyne Tannum HookUp – bring it on

If you fancy a fish in a beautiful part of the world that is centrally located in Queensland and has several prizes on offer, then you don’t want to miss out on the Boyne Tannum HookUp held over the May Day long weekend on Friday and Saturday April 29 and 30 and Sunday May 1, 2022. The Boyne Tannum HookUp …

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New logo for two Tackle Tactics brands

Tackle Tactics Pty Ltd is an Australian-owned manufacturer and distributor of quality fishing products and has recently released a new logo for two of its major brands – TT Lures and TT Rods. The new TT logo will replace the current logos and bring all Tackle Tactics products together under the one unified TT brand – TT Fishing. The new …

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School mackerel tips

School mackerel tips

I hope everyone is doing the best they can after the inclement weather. School mackerel tips It has been a rough start to the year for southeast Queensland and parts of NSW. School mackerel tips Good to see people banding together to get things done in times of need. School mackerel tips I hope Mother Nature has sorted herself out …

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Planning a K’gari Fraser trip

K’gari Fraser trip

As we move into April and the second month of autumn, the days get shorter, the nights cooler and anticipation levels greater! K’gari Fraser trip Why, you may ask. K’gari Fraser trip Well, cool weather means one thing to me – that the peak beach fishing season in Queensland is not far away. K’gari Fraser trip With K’gari (formerly known …

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From unlawful net to prohibited take of species by spear at the Clarence

unlawful net spear

During a recent patrol of the Clarence Fisheries District up in Yaegl Country, Fisheries Officers Boughton and Maskey received information regarding a person who was allegedly using an unlawful net in ocean waters adjacent to the Woody Head campground, in Bundjalung National Park. unlawful net spear After further investigation and several hours of surveillance, Fisheries Officers intercepted a 39 year …

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Proof big bait equals big fish

big bait big fish

While many thousands of articles have been written on how to catch large jewfish using almost every technique and bait or lure imaginable, the old saying ‘big bait equals big fish’ still holds true, especially when fishing off the beach. Yes, I’ve seen large jew caught on king prawns, small strips of mullet, bonito and the humble beachworm, however I …

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Moreton Bay threadies and jew

Moreton Bay threadies

I hope everyone got through the floods okay. There’s still some debris coming down the river, so it pays to keep an eye out for it, particularly at night. Moreton Bay threadies Fishing has slowed due to the colour of the water, making it a little harder to find fish. Threadfin salmon have occupied the river for quite a while. …

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