
Fantastic February fishing

Fantastic February fishing

It is February already! I hope that this isn’t a sign of how fast this year is going to go by. I want to jump back to December 2021 and share with you a story and act of kindness from one of our customers. Fantastic February fishing Robert, a regular customer whom we know very well, had a fairly crappy …

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Unlocking Moreton Bay

Unlocking Moreton Bay

At times Moreton Bay can be one of the hardest places to fish due to its size, but once you learn some of its secrets it can be rewarding to those who put in the effort. Unlocking Moreton Bay  It is constantly under pressure due to the numbers fishing it. Unlocking Moreton Bay  Northeasterly and southeasterly wind constantly batter the …

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Prime time for muddies and mangrove jack

Prime muddies mangrove jack

February is a great month to chase a feed of prawns and crabs. It is usually one of the hottest months of the year. Prime muddies mangrove jack The constant rain we’ve been having all summer has kept the temperature low and the rivers and creeks discoloured. Prime muddies mangrove jack This has forced fish and crabs to feed closer to …

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Holiday exploring in Moreton Bay

Holiday Moreton Bay

What am I going to do today? Where can I take the kids that is not going to blow the Christmas budget? Well, if you commit between 30-60 minutes of your day, there are so many places you can reach, spend the day and be home before dark! From the Gold Coast to the Sunshine Coast, our region will spoil …

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Decent hauls from dirty water

hauls dirty water

Welcome to 2022. Hopefully it’s a year filled with lots of fish and crabs. The rivers and creeks certainly copped a good flush out last month. Regular rains do amazing things to a waterway, pushing all the fish and bait out towards the mouth of the system. This can make finding the fish a lot easier as they have less …

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Mud crabs on the move

Mud crabs

The La Niña forecast for a wet summer throughout southeast Queensland has one big upside for anglers and that is mud crabs will be on the move. The crabs had already started to fire up after a lean early season, thanks to a lot of rain in late November and early December. Big tide and rain create a lot of …

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Moreton Bay tuskies and sweetlip

Moreton Bay tuskies

Two of the best tasting fish you can catch in Moreton Bay are tuskfish and sweetlip. Three species of tuskies inhabit the bay – venus, purple and blackspot – and two species of sweetlip – grass and spangled. Moreton Bay tuskies Grass sweetlip have a minimum of 30cm and possession of 10, spangled have a minimum of 45cm and possession …

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Best places to throw a line in around Ballina

Best places Ballina

Hello, I hope you all had a safe and fun filled festive season with those nearest and dearest to you. Best places Ballina This time can be incredibly hectic with work and family commitments, so I do hope you are getting the opportunity to wet a line at some point. Best places Ballina Even harder than trying to find the …

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Myths busted on jew

Myths busted on jew

It never ceases to amaze me how many anglers still believe jewfish are primarily a night-time feeder, when in fact anglers in the know will actually catch the bulk of their large jew during daylight hours. Myths busted on jew Personally, all of my 30kg plus fish have been taken during the day and the majority of my 20kg plus …

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Success fishing isolated patches of reef

fishing isolated reef

Hi everyone, first up I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and let’s hope the new year is good to us all. fishing isolated reef By now there should be some good pelagic action off Noosa and Double Island. fishing isolated reef Spotted and spanish mackerel should be around on Stingrays and Noosa Hill maybe. fishing isolated reef Jew Shoal, …

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