Local Reports

Bundaberg – weekly report

Bundaberg fishing

OFFSHORE AND INSHORE Bundaberg fishing Welcome back to another fishing report for the Easter long weekend. Hopefully this weekend we will be able to get offshore, with the wind dropping out a bit on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. However, as always, keep an eye on the weather reports. There have been a few nice mackerels of all types and longtail …

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Sunshine Coast Noosa – weekly report

Pre-swell fun – Well, last weekend certainly did feature some great conditions early on. Monday to Wednesday were the pick of the week before the wind intensified and the swell arrived. For surfers the main beach at Noosa looked as though anyone with a board descended for a ride on the moderate 0.5-1m northeasterly swell and a strong southeasterly wind. …

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Sunshine Coast Noosa – weekly report

Sunshine Coast Noosa

Happy Holidays – Well, here we all are and welcome to April! With the school holidays now in swing you can expect things to be a little busier at the boat ramps and around the town. This should only get you up and about earlier as we have some great weather coming to start the week off. Sunshine Coast Noosa …

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Bundaberg – weekly report

Bundaberg fishing

OFFSHORE Bundaberg fishing With the weather looking a bit moderate for this weekend, it would be best to get out early to those closer offshore reefs. Good reports of coral trout, red emperor, parrot, sweetlip, and good size cobia, all being caught over the last week. Check your latest weather report before heading out. Bundaberg fishing INSHORE The local inshore …

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Sunshine Coast Noosa – weekly report

Sunshine Coast Noosa

Full steam ahead – Finally, the weather gods smiled down upon every angler across the east coast this week! With a light wind, dropping swell and a cloudless sky, it was a case of getting out there. Because the water is still dirty, it took a bit of searching for the bait to find the fish, but they were found …

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Bundaberg – weekly report

Bundaberg fishing

INSHORE & OFFSHORE Bundaberg fishing Welcome back to another Bundaberg fishing report and what a report this is going to be. Mackerel and tuna are in full flight, and I mean literally jumping out of the water chasing bait after smashing through bait schools at a great rate of knots. All along the Bundaberg coastline you will see birds working …

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Sunshine Coast Noosa – weekly report

Sunshine Coast Noosa

Mid-week spoils – As expected, we are finally seeing a few more fishable days. With a drop in the swell mid-week, a few boats made the bar crossing with ease. For many anglers, the weather has kept them grounded but next week is shaping up to have light wind and swell, so keep a watchful eye out! Sunshine Coast Noosa …

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Bundaberg – weekly report

Bundaberg fishing

OFFSHORE Bundaberg fishing With the smaller tides this weekend, reef fishing should be on in the deep and shallows. March and April are a couple of my favourite months of year for chasing big red emperor, so be sure to drop some big flesh bait down around the 40m mark. Fingers crossed the weather plays the game and remember to …

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Sunshine Coast Noosa – weekly report

Sunshine Coast Noosa

More to come – Right now, it certainly feels as though we are getting a lot of rainfall, with more to come. So far this month, we have received record falls, but there is light at the end of this rather wet tunnel. Sunshine Coast Noosa For those able to get out, the fishing has produced for many. Offshore fishable …

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Bundaberg – weekly report

Bundaberg fishing

OFFSHORE Bundaberg fishing With the recent weather patterns, most of the offshore spots haven’t seen much action and fishers have been chomping at the bit to get out wide. There should be some nice fish caught on slack tides this weekend. We have a full moon so there will be a fair bit of run, but the top and bottom …

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