Tackleworld – Bundaberg

Bundaberg – weekly report


BUNDABERG OFFSHORE What can I say… the school mackerel have been on the chew, succumbing to the small Samaki metal slugs and the faithful Flasha lures. Don’t forget to throw an unweighted pillie out the back – you might get lucky and land a big spanish mackerel that could be lurking around at the moment. At this stage, the weekend …

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Bundaberg – weekly report


BUNDABERG OFFSHORE The fishing offshore this weekend should be red hot with a full moon falling early next week. The morning tides are quite big, so the coral trout and redthroat emperor should be on the chew in the shallows. I’d definitely be focussing on the shallows until the afternoon tide change, then I’d be fishing the deep for your …

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Bundaberg – weekly report


Another year is done and dusted, so Happy New Year to you all and may your beer be cold and your rods be bent! BUNDABERG OFFSHORE We’ve had good reports of red emperor, coral trout, grass sweet lip and parrot being landed.  Light winds are predicted for the coming weekend.  As always, check your current weather report before heading out. …

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Bundaberg – weekly report

First of all merry Christmas to all let’s hope we all catch a few fish and crabs over the festive season. Bundaberg BUNDABERG INSHORE The inshore reefs have been firing lately with snapper, grassy sweet lip, mackerel and schools of tuna. The Cochrane Artificial Reef and the 4 mile off the Elliot River has been the go to spots with …

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Bundaberg – weekly report

BUNDABERG OFFSHORE With the building moon, the offshore fishing should be good this weekend – if the forecast plays the game. The tides will be awesome for fishing both the deep and shallow water. As always using pilchard and 5” soft plastics is effective in the shallows and bigger flesh bait is the go in the deep. Always check the …

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Bundaberg – weekly report

BUNDABERG OFFSHORE For the larger boats wanting to get outside over the weekend the weather is looking pretty good. Besides a few showers, the wind is moderate. We have had good reports of red emperor, trout, parrotfish and plenty of sweetlip being caught. Also, plenty of sharks are about. Check the weather before heading out as things can change in …

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Bundaberg – weekly report

Firstly, how good was the rain we had last week in the Bundaberg region! It was awesome to see everything green again. Let’s hope it eases some pressure off our local farmers. On the fishing side of things most of our local rivers except for the Burnett are clean enough to fish and are fishing well. THE ELLIOTT RIVER The …

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Bundaberg – weekly report


BUNDABERG OFFSHORE With big full moon morning tides this weekend, I would definitely be fishing the shallows in the mornings for coral trout and red throat emperor. Using pilchard as bait or jigging 5” soft plastics off the bottom is an effective way to get a good feed. Fingers crossed the weather will play the game. As always, check the …

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Bundaberg – weekly report


BUNDABERG INSHORE This weekend the wind looks as though it’s going to blow from mid-morning. We might get a chance to get out in the morning, but the window will not be open for long. There has been a lot of mackerel and tuna caught in close around the leads off Burnett Heads and the 2-Mile reef off Bargara – …

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Bundaberg – weekly report


BUNDABERG OFFSHORE The offshore fishing for this weekend will have to be put on hold until Sunday due to the Coral Reef Fin Fish closure from November 2 to midnight November 6. The weather over the weekend is looking good for the bigger boats. We have had good reports of red emperor, coral trout, parrotfish and large sweet lip all …

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