It can be a case of feast or famine out there some days. The wharves are mostly carbon copies and don’t have any bottom structure to attract fish to the area. The best way to find fish is to sound around until you see bait schools or predatory fish on the sounder. This can be time consuming but there is …
Read More »Bumper Borumba Dam bass sessions
At this first spot we caught about 10 fish. No big ones but it was good to see the fish were biting. After this, we headed up the dam to the start of the trees. This is where the fun really began. We found two locations where the fish were thick. I had recently bought a Humminbird Helix 12 sounder with Mega Imaging. This unit …
Read More »Experiencing the Bunker Group reefs
It is important to remember when entering the water that you are entering the fish’s world. You are the unexpected guest, not them. A lot of people fear what can be found in our Queensland waters and it is only normal in the beginning, especially being a fisher and knowing that about 20 percent of fish caught in the shallows …
Read More »Conlon cuts teeth on Copeton cod
This type of information can make the difference between catching and not catching fish. A very important bit of information Josh gave us was to ensure that in the peak bite time from 6.30-8am we were actually fishing, not driving around looking for where to fish. So armed with newfound knowledge and a Wilson Venom 6kg baitcaster rigged with a …
Read More »Chasing Gold Coast flathead in spring
GTs and JPs all part of the Hinchinbrook way
The next day we took Billy’s boat for a run and it was nice to be in the passenger seat for once. We ran out to the outer reefs looking for dogtooth tuna but unfortunately it was too rough to get past the outer reefs. Instead we had to stay in the shelter of the coral cays for a day …
Read More »Freshwater cod season closes from September
A CLOSED season applies to Mary River cod and Murray cod from September 1, 2017 to November 30, 2017. Closed season for Murray cod Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol officer Coby Walker said the annual closure during spawning season is an important measure to allow the species to reproduce so there are viable stocks of these fish for future generations to …
Read More »Hosting Creek to Coast for epic nannygai action
It wasn’t a bad run to the islands, but as we pushed out past them we became really exposed to the swell, so we just took our time and anchored up on the first rock. Almost as soon as the bait hit the bottom, the boys were on, with a couple of solid fish of about 3kg coming over the …
Read More »Fishing for southeast Queensland flathead
A lot of the plastics cast and jigged at flathead will be engulfed, which will have your leader rubbing across the flathead’s raspy teeth. Anything under a 10lb leader will struggle to stand up to the sharp teeth of a flatty. Always check the leader after every fish, especially if the lure has gone down the flatty’s throat. A worn …
Read More »Evans Head Fishing Classic 2017 – all you need to know
Adults will be competing to take out a variety of fish categories including snapper, pearl perch, mulloway, tailor, kingfish/cobia, amberjack/samson fish, whiting, bream, blackfish and flathead. Cadets can target the usual estuary suspects of flathead, whiting and bream. All fish are to be alive when pictures of the fish are taken on a brag mat approved by the organisers. Brag …
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