Fish Species Guide

A fishy May in Moreton Bay

APRIL 2021 is done and dusted! Between COVID lockdowns and buckets of rain, I’d say a whole lot of the fish in the Moreton Bay region were safe. What is May 2021 going to produce? Well, for certain we know there’s going to be a fair bit of uncertainty. fishy May Moreton We need to play each day as it …

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Pipis make great bait but don’t collect to eat in NSW


NSW DPI is reminding recreational fishers that collecting pipis for human consumption is not permitted in NSW. Pipis may be taken for bait from NSW beaches but cannot be moved more than 50m from the high tide mark. This long-standing arrangement is in place because pipis may contain toxins due to natural algal blooms, which are not always visible in …

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Mud crabs in May

MAY is the start of a transition period in the waters around southeast Queensland. The water temperature will drop quickly this month as we head into winter. Summer species such as mangrove jack are greatly affected by water temperature. Mud crabs May As it gets colder, they start to slow down and it can be a lot harder to get …

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Fishing after the rain

AFTER receiving a call from my folks that they were coming to stay and fish on the weekend, I checked the water conditions and as expected it resembled coffee. We received considerable rainfall down the east coast of Australia recently and this could mean that anglers would be faced with dirty water for a few weeks. All is not lost …

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Baitfish bonanza brings big bites

WHAT a wild start to the year we’ve had with the La Niña weather event slamming the east coast and record rainfalls. The peak of the activity was a major rain belt extending for almost 2000km along our coastline, causing major flood occurrences all over, and my condolences go to all the people who have lost their properties and belongings. …

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Brown water at Ballina

HELLO all and welcome to this month’s edition. I’m not sure who broke a mirror or walked under a ladder, but it would appear someone has. We’ve had more bad luck this year as far as the weather goes. Another sizable amount of rain fell in the Northern Rivers region again and, at the time of writing this article, the …

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Techniques to tempt on the Gold Coast

There are still good numbers of mackerel about for those of you who troll lures or rigged bait. Deep diving hard-body lures between 150-200mm work well when trolled at 4-6 knots. The same sized lure with a smaller bib will be good on the troll at a faster speed of around 8-9 knots too. I use a 20cm length of …

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Bundaberg bags mixed offshore

KIND weather conditions provided offshore anglers the opportunity to head out to their favourite haunts and bag a few good fish. With sharks appearing to be an ever-present threat to a good fish – particularly if it is red – those anglers fishing less popular spots have landed a greater percentage of their hooked fish whole. Bundaberg bags Areas such …

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Tribute to Peter Conlon

WOW, unfortunately another month of interesting weather, with no work done trying to line up conditions and days clients could go out. I did manage a couple of days on the water myself where I basically did a little bit of trolling for snapper, which is a technique I usually do in summer. Peter Conlon I picked up a few …

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Exploring the Cape and all it has to offer

CAPE York is so many things to so many people! Exploring, camping and fishing in a wonderfully remote tropical region with hugely diverse landscapes, the four-wheel-drive challenges and corrugations, the fantastic fishing, the amazing culture and history and so on. Explore Cape York Underlying everything of course is the unique nature of the Cape, that is what makes this remarkable …

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