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Getting Hervey Bay Fishing Results

ONCE again I turn my focus to actual events on the water around Hervey Bay. It was the middle of winter and it was a regular day to begin with. Sure enough, they were quick to put one in my hands. I motored away and put us over a small school of large fish and the reaction was instantaneous. My client’s jig rod …

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Fishing Offences on the Rise

TARGETED compliance patrols in high-risk areas of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area have detected a four-fold increase in recreational fishing offences over three years. In 2014-15, 538 recreational fishing offences were reported, representing the highest annual number recorded. The incidences were among 1161 reported breaches of Commonwealth and state laws in the World Heritage Area for the year, covering …

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Townsville Fisher Fined $7000 for Illegal Fishing

A RECREATIONAL fisher was fined $7000 for multiple fishery offences in Townsville Magistrates Court recently. “His Esky also contained two tilapia. “While no nets were located, the barramundi and tilapia displayed signs around the gills consistent with being netted.” All nets (except landing nets, scoop or dip nets and dilly nets) are illegal to use in Queensland fresh waters. “Barramundi have …

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South Stradbroke Island Kayak Trip

The campgrounds were impeccable, proof that all who visit this place respect its beauty and leave it the way they find it. At this point I should probably point out that you don’t exactly need to rough it over there. I didn’t know this at the time, but the island is well equipped with running water, toilets and a great shower facility. I …

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Fish Exporters Hook Funding

MINISTER for Agriculture and Water Resources Barnaby Joyce today announced a boost of more than $930,000 for small seafood exporters under the Government’s Package Assisting Small Exporters program. The program continues to deliver on the Government’s election commitment to support small exporters through its $15 million four year program. “This funding gives practical help to drive real export returns for our nation’s …

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Vinegar kills crown of thorns starfish

HOUSEHOLD vinegar could soon be called on for its most important mission yet: saving the Great Barrier Reef. Researchers at Queensland’s James Cook University have described in a new paper the effectiveness of vinegar in killing crown of thorns starfish. Outbreaks of the venomous, coral-eating animals are considered one of the most significant threats posed to the Great Barrier Reef. The paper’s …

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Check The Fishing Rules Before Dropping A Line

IF you’re taking the kids fishing this school holidays, don’t forget to check the rules before dropping a line in. Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol district manager Rob McDonald said it’s important everyone sticks to the rules because they are in place to ensure the sustainability of our fisheries for future generations of Queensland fishers. “Taking the kids fishing is a wonderful …

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Emergency Beacon Registration Now Mobile

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority is giving emergency beacon owners more choice, with an improved online beacon registration system implemented from September 15, 2015. The registration system on the AMSA website is mobile-optimised, handy for renewing beacon registration from a mobile or tablet. Providing proof of registration is easier, with beacon owners able to show emergency beacon registration confirmation on their mobile …

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Plan to ensure Australian fisheries remain best managed in world

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Agriculture Richard Colbeck recently launched the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation’s five-year Research, Development and Extension plan for Australia’s fishing and aquaculture industries. Senator Colbeck said the 2015–2020 Strategic Plan represents an evolution in the way the FRDC invests in research, outlines a new focus based on three key national priorities, and empowers stakeholders. “The …

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Float Lining for a Trophy Fish

Some people think you need to travel many kilometres offshore to catch big snapper, but that is not always the case. My PB 88cm snapper was caught in Moreton Bay in just 3.5m of water. Fishing the bay is a lot harder than fishing the offshore reefs. Fishing the correct tides, moon phases, with fresh baits and the right technique …

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