Jewfish are still being taken in the canals and Broadwater.

Mixed Gold Coast species

Big bream are still a possibility in the Broadwater.
Great days of mixed catches have been enjoyed by many.
Tuskies are always fun on blades.
Action on the trevally is always a hit.

NOVEMBER is the last month of spring and a good time to target mixed species in our local estuaries on the Gold Coast.

Flathead are still available before they commence spawning over the summer months, while sand whiting can be caught at night in the Nerang River and over yabby banks during the day. Both these fish will readily rise in the shallows to grab surface lures such as MMD Splash Prawns if you want to try this exciting form of fishing. Gold Coast mixed

However, in busy waterways it pays to get out there early before the water traffic shuts the fish down. Once this happens fish deeper areas for better results. Mangrove jacks are set to become more active this month too, as well as various types of trevally. If you haven’t caught a jack before the best way to try for them at present is with a whole mullet fillet on a single Mustad Hoodlum hook cast at the base of a bridge pylon or rock wall.

In terms of gear, use a snapper type rod and reel, spooled with 50lb Platypus Platinum monofilament line with sinker big enough to hold bottom. You can also add a soft glow bead above the hook. This rig is simple but will give you the best chance of getting a bite. Then it is all up to you.  Gold Coast mixed

La Nina has officially been declared this summer which means floods are likely. While the rain will temporarily interrupt fishing plans, it is an absolute godsend for the rivers that need a rejuvenating flush. If this happens it may make targeting jacks tricky, but the downstream reaches will still be productive places.

Though we can worry about this if it happens, right now there has been a prolonged lack of rain. As an estuary charter guide, I notice how clear the water gradually gets over the months, and I’m always looking for dirtier and deeper water to fish. Gold Coast mixed

One of my favourite fish to chase are the humble winter or diver whiting. These plucky little lure munchers are present in big schools all year around the Gold Coast and Broadwater. These fish generally grow no bigger than 30cm, have no size limit and a bag and possession limit in Queensland of 50 per person, though I believe it’s totally unnecessary to keep that many. Gold Coast mixed

Carefully scaled and filleted they make a delicious feed battered and fried, and compliment a catch of flathead, squid and flounder nicely. I have marked the best areas to fish for them in the southern Broadwater on the maps in this article. Basically, they love sitting in deeper channels and drops offs.

Like other whiting they feed most aggressively during tidal flow, and are easily caught on yabbies, worms, and small metal vibe lures. My favourite vibes are the Ecogear ZX and Pro Lure blades. The best way to fish these vibes is to drop them to the bottom while drifting and use the teabagging technique. Gold Coast mixed

To book on a charter with myself or Brad, or if you have any fishing related questions, SMS 0432 990 302 or email, or find us on Facebook at Brad Smith Fishing Charters.

About Clint Ansell

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