Search Results for: wilson

Monster Moreton Bay flathead


THIS month has been a bit of a mixed bag, with some days quite productive and others simply hard work. The better fishing has occurred on the lead-up to the full and new moons in the shallows. One thing I have noticed is even with the right tides, the fish have been rather finicky. All the little things such as …

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Terrific Turkey Beach a flat-out favourite


HI all, I hope everyone has been able to get out for a fish since the last edition of Bush ‘n Beach hit the shelves. Over the school holidays, I was lucky enough to squeeze in a trip to one of my all-time favourite fishing destinations, Turkey Beach. The annual boys’ trip to Turkey Beach is something I look forward …

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A beautiful bounty at Turkey Beach

turkey beach

I’D been sitting around home admiring the broad spread of isobars on the weather map that indicated some very light wind heading our way and was keen to get offshore again. I didn’t know it was going to result in plan B. This good weather was going to coincide with a fishing booking for a group I have had out …

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Exploratory sojourn to Swain Reefs

swain reefs gt

A FISHING trip to Swain Reefs had been on my bucket list for many years and was continually reinforced each time I read a BNB scribe’s epic trip report. As mentioned in last month’s editorial, I got the call up to accompany a select crew put together by Wilson Fishing including Troy (Dicko) Dixon, Clint Fannin, a number of tackle …

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Cracker weekend on the way for Bundaberg fishos

cracker weekend bundaberg

BUNDABERG OFFSHORE Around the Bundaberg area, it looks like we are in for a cracker weekend of weather!  With the smaller tides the deep should be fishing awesome all day.  Using big flesh baits on Elkat ganged hooks should stir up the big reds.  Remember to stay patient through all the smaller hussar bites and wait for that big red …

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New Zerek Fish Trap colours

fish trap

ANGLERS who love the Zerek Fish Trap will be excited to hear seven new colours have arrived! The new colours have been developed with the assistance of gun anglers across Australia and with the help of tackle stores. Needless to say, Zerek has delivered an exceptional new range. Within the range are the following colours: BF – Blended Frog; GC …

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Piecing together the Double Island Point puzzle

double island point fishing puzzle

THERE is nothing quite like the feeling of your alarm going off at some stupid hour of the morning (like 1-2am). For most people, they would grunt and groan at the thought of getting out of a nice warm bed at such a time, but for fishos, especially the ones like me, excitement gets the better of us. When I …

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Fishing inside coastal bar entrances can be productive

coastal bar entrances gold coast fishing

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, unfortunately the weather gods have been testing our patience again with big swells putting a stop to offshore fishing and inshore anglers trying to dodge the wind and rain on the Gold and Tweed Coasts. Hopefully next week is looking better for having some School Holiday fun on the water. Let’s …

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Fishing a great option during school hols

fishing a great option school hols snapper

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, you would’ve had to be very dedicated to brave the wind and rain to try your luck for a fish on the Tweed or on the Gold Coast.  Fingers crossed the rain will ease by the weekend for the start of School Holidays making fishing a great option to entertain the …

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Jewfish season in Moreton Bay

Well winter cold has come and not a minute late either. With cooling water temps and schooling fish comes the jew run for SEQ. This time of the year sees lots of fish finding deep holes to sit and feed. Targeting these fish can be a game in its own, from baits to lures hey will eat them all. Most …

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