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Tin Can Bay attracts variety of species

I HOPE you’ve all been out having a play in this little slice of paradise we call home. And to anyone here on holidays, welcome to Tin Can Bay! Let’s have a look at what’s been caught around the place over the past month in the lead up to the silly season. If you haven’t noticed yet, the old mercury …

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Crabbing after Christmas

WISHING a merry Christmas and happy new year to Ben, his family, the team at BNB and the readers of this great mag and e-mag. What can we expect fishing-wise this month, with January knocking on the door? Well, tuna and mackerel should be around in better numbers, so too sweetlip and mud crabs, sand crabs and spanner crabs – …

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Flat out fishing for flathead

WELL, first of all I would like to say happy new year to all of you. I’m looking forward to a great year ahead. I hope you have all had a safe and happy holiday period, and I’m sure your loved ones spoilt you at Christmas. After such a turbulent 2020 for all of us, let’s keep our fingers crossed …

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Escaping the crowds on the water

I HOPE you’re having or have had a bit of time off to enjoy Queensland’s beautiful bush and beach, the best place in the world right now. We have been extremely busy with our local estuary charters, hosting many anglers new to the sport who are keen to learn more, and locals wanting to enjoy a day out and catch …

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Pursuing pelagics in summer

AT the time of writing, there have been a few spotted mackerel caught on local reefs, along with several very under-sized spanish mackerel. The water temperature has been rising slowly but not as quickly as in previous years. As we head into hot weather, the water temperature has teetered on 23C ,and if the northerly wind comes in it plummets …

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Moreton Bay for the kids

WHERE are you going to fish during the holidays? Moreton Bay has many locations for you and the family to explore and enjoy this holiday season. There are heaps of places in the Moreton Bay area to spend a day or even a few hours of quality time with family or the kids. Pumicestone Passage, Red Beach, Skirmish Point and …

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Shallow snapper secrets

I SPEND many hours exploring and pursuing shallow water snapper in Moreton Bay, and nothing comes close to matching the aggression and brute power these fish have. I use the term shallow water to describe the water I fish, as it’s not often I find myself casting a lure for snapper any deeper than 1.5-5m. Shallow snapper A huge variety …

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Low tide beach whiting

WITH summer now in full swing, what better time to chase some summer whiting from the beach in Queensland and northern NSW. Although they can be caught all year around, particularly in southeast Queensland, summer or yellowfin whiting are a great option from the beach in summer, particularly when other beach targets like tailor and bream are in thinner numbers. …

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Flathead and squire dominate

WELL, I suppose this is a happy new year and hopefully 2021 is going to be better than 2020, but we’ll just have to wait and see how it all goes. At the time of writing, the weather was a bit all over the place. But I was able to line up the odd charter and fishing tuition with the …

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Open borders revive town

HEAT, humidity, mozzies biting, cicadas singing – this spells the beginning of the mangrove jack and mud crab season to me. There’s a few mud crabs on the move now but they will only improve as summer progresses. They are in varying degrees of fullness at the moment, with some big rusty ones being caught and some green empty ones …

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