Between the 4 people, 204 urchins had been collected and put into shopping bags and buckets.

Unlawful catch of invertebrates at Hastings Point

Two women have been fined $2000 each with a third woman incurring $500 in professional costs after collecting invertebrates in excess of the bag limits from Hastings Point rocky shore.

Following an Information Report received via the Fisherwatch 1800 number, Fisheries Officers apprehended 3 women (and one dependent) collecting invertebrates, including sea urchins and turban snails at the Hastings Point in the Tweed Shire.

Sea urchins have a possession limit of 10 per person per day. Between the 4 people, 204 urchins had been collected and put into shopping bags and buckets. Thus, 164 excess sea urchins had been collected by the group. There is a minimum size limit of 7.5 centimetres for Turban Snails. Fisheries Officers measured the turban snails and found that 34 of the turban snails that had been collected were of a prohibited size.

The unlawful catch was seized by Fisheries Officers and returned alive to the rocky shore. The 3 women were each issued with penalty infringement notices, which they later eclected to have decided in court. Possession of prohibited size fish (including invertebrates) in NSW carries a maximum penalty of $22000 and/or 6 months imprisonment.

You can do your part to help protect the State’s precious fisheries resources by reporting illegal fishing activity to the NSW Fishers Watch phoneline on 1800 043 536 or online here –

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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One comment

  1. I got sting in weekend and couldn’t breathe properly.

    Tweed Council need to experience one barb in the foot to rethink their community care

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