
This Bush ‘n Beach Fishing magazine webpage is regularly updated with 4WDing articles from the magazine, advertiser content and other 4WD news. Fishing, boating and camping have a natural association with 4WDing and as such Bush ‘n Beach endeavours to feature as much 4WD-related content as possible. We’re always looking for new content however, so if you’ve got something to share, email Dan at editorial@bnbfishing.com.au to see how he can help you reach a vast, targeted audience. l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

Mini Queensland lap – Part 1

Mini Queensland lap

My family loves caravanning and camping holidays, and earlier this year the decision was made to do a four-week adventure around Queensland, starting the week before the June July holidays and finishing a week after. Our partners in crime, or touring buddies, were family friends the Bocks – Nick, Kylie and kids Mason and Mikayla – with whom we have …

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Porcupine Gorge a place to remember

Porcupine Gorge

Hi all, travelling Queensland during the pandemic has been a special experience, mainly due to the lockdowns that have kept many southern travellers from their winter pilgrimages to western Queensland and the northern regions. The vast openness of our state is accentuated when the roads feel a little more isolated than usual. I feel so blessed to be living in …

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Back on the road again – destination Mt Isa

destination Mt Isa

Hi all, we’ve been blessed to find ourselves living in Agnes Water and have enjoyed setting up our new home base, but the yearning for spending time on the road is never far from our thoughts. It’s a special feeling leaving our driveway, watching the towing mirror as the van settles behind the Isuzu D-Max, and any thoughts of work …

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Cape York is definitely open

SENSATIONALIST reporting by the Courier Mail, Cairns Post and other Murdoch rags saw the media blanketed with stories by people claiming to be traditional owners of the area indicating the tip of Cape York had been closed to tourists. It was shoddy journalism at best, with reporters failing to check facts and choosing instead to run half-truths and innuendo in …

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Exploring the Cape and all it has to offer

CAPE York is so many things to so many people! Exploring, camping and fishing in a wonderfully remote tropical region with hugely diverse landscapes, the four-wheel-drive challenges and corrugations, the fantastic fishing, the amazing culture and history and so on. Explore Cape York Underlying everything of course is the unique nature of the Cape, that is what makes this remarkable …

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More preparations for a trip to the Tip

THE wet in the cape continues. Nothing massive yet but there have been widespread heavy falls over most northern and inland parts, less along coastal regions in the south so far. However, March statistically is the wettest month for most of eastern Cape York, so there may be much more to come yet. As a follow on from last month, …

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Cape York 2021 – the good oil!

THE closure of state and regional borders virtually overnight is an uncertainty we’ve had to learn to live with over the past year, particularly when related to planning for fishing expeditions. 2020 saw the cancellation of a huge number of trips and dreams, many of which had been years in the planning. Cape good oil Now that overseas visits are …

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Isuzu D-Max goes bush ‘n beach

SMARTER, tougher and safer is one of the tag lines Isuzu use for the all-new D-Max, and it has proved worthy. The reborn workhorse has an all-new 3-litre turbo-charged engine that produces around 140kW of power and 450Nm of torque. And it doesn’t stop with the engine – the whole car has been re-imagined, re-defined and re-styled to set it …

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Driving into Deepwater National Park

THIS year has been one of uncertainty and will be remembered for many different reasons, but for Tonia and myself it has been an unbelievable year. After selling the farm situated in the beautiful Mary Valley we decided to travel throughout Queensland. Driving Deepwater National Park Our journeys have taken us along the coastline, across to Kurumba and out to …

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4WDing into Stanage Bay

WITH August just around the corner, and the snapper and pearl perch spawning closure in place for the first time, I think it’s a great thing and will only help fish stock build up. I have not been fishing for weeks because I lost my mojo with COVID-19 and I’m waiting to head off on my annual fishing trip once …

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