Sean Conlon

Blaksley Anchorage: a hidden gem

WELL, I don’t think we’ve gotten rid of the problems from 2020. It seems this nasty bug we have hanging around is going to continue giving us a bit of trouble in 2021, so looking for places to get away from it all is probably not a bad thing. This month we might have a chat about a little hidden …

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Flathead and squire dominate

WELL, I suppose this is a happy new year and hopefully 2021 is going to be better than 2020, but we’ll just have to wait and see how it all goes. At the time of writing, the weather was a bit all over the place. But I was able to line up the odd charter and fishing tuition with the …

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Trip to Saumarez Reef

THERE’S not much to report on my fishing charters because I’ve only been out once over the past month. We caught a couple of flathead and a few small snapper, but I just haven’t been able to line up with any good weather, so hopefully next month will be better – we’ll see how we go. Saumarez Reef On the …

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Tips for Moreton Bay snapper and flathead

Applying a more targeted approach with select techniques on the right part of the tide, with a particular species in mind, has definitely caught more fish lately. I haven’t had that much time on the water this month, but even so I have managed to pick up quite a few nice southern bay fish on lures. There were a couple …

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Fishing flathead fun

HOPEFULLY things are starting to get a little back to normal, or as everyone else likes to say ‘a new kind of normal’, after COVID-19.  Species that have been in supply include school mackerel which have been in reasonable numbers, and plenty of squire (pre-closure) as well as our usual flathead, with a few trevally mixed in. So, as well as …

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Changing techniques to catch more fish

changing techniques to catch more fish

WELL 2020 has been one big rollercoaster but let’s hope things settle and we return to some sort of normality and can all get back to work. I’ve gone from not being able to work at all to finally being allowed to run my charters once more. We will see how it all goes, we’ve been changing techniques very quickly with …

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Prawning session in southern Moreton Bay

Cast netting fro prawns

THE weather has not played the game over the past month. Unfortunately, I have not been able to line up even one charter with good weather. On the plus side, I got out and chased a few prawns. For anyone who knows me, I don’t do this very often, but plenty of prawns are around. So I gave my mate …

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Dirty water in southern bay makes fishing tricky

dirty water flathead

WE had a reasonable run of weather for the start of the year and then it turned and we’ve copped heaps of rain and subsequent dirty water. We’ve had fewer days on the water and unfortunately my dud back has decided to play up again. For some reason it seems to do it at this time of year. One recent …

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Monster Moreton Bay flathead


THIS month has been a bit of a mixed bag, with some days quite productive and others simply hard work. The better fishing has occurred on the lead-up to the full and new moons in the shallows. One thing I have noticed is even with the right tides, the fish have been rather finicky. All the little things such as …

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Crazy captures in southern Moreton Bay

crazy fishing southern moreton bay

WELL I’m finally on the water again after another few months off with my dodgy back. It’s great to be back. You don’t realise how much you appreciate going out on the water several times a week until it’s taken away from you and you’re pretty much going crazy stuck in bed watching telly. First day back I was lucky …

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