
Changing techniques to catch more fish

changing techniques to catch more fish

WELL 2020 has been one big rollercoaster but let’s hope things settle and we return to some sort of normality and can all get back to work. I’ve gone from not being able to work at all to finally being allowed to run my charters once more. We will see how it all goes, we’ve been changing techniques very quickly with …

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New Tweed reef designed for multi-species appeal

tweed reef artificial reef nsw

NSW’s newest offshore artificial reef will feature a specially designed 10m high “fish grotto” as well as innovative “arrowhead” reef modules boasting unique habitat features to attract and hold key sportfish including Spanish and spotted mackerel, cobia, kingfish, amberjack and samsonfish. DPI has awarded a contract for Pacific Marine Group to construct and install the new reef off Tweed Heads. …

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Joint operation targets illegal fisher in western NSW

illegal fisher nsw

An illegal fisher has been apprehended during a weekend near Warren, following a joint operation between NSW Department of Primary Industries’ Fisheries officers and NSW Police Rural Crime Unit, Acting Director NSWDPI Fisheries Compliance, Dr Andrew Moriarty said. Two men, a 49-year-old man from Dubbo and a 58-year-old man from Wongarbon, were apprehended on Saturday 27 June 2020 on the …

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Snapper and pearl perch spawning closure coming up

snapper and pearl perch closed season queensland

Snapper and pearl perch will be no-take species in Queensland waters for one month starting July 15 (from 12.01am). Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner said this new closure would apply to all fishers – commercial, charter and recreational. “This seasonal closure is similar to spawning closures for barramundi and reef fin fish species, which have been …

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Moments of mayhem mess with the best

moments of mayhem

AS a charter operator, mess and disorganisation seriously get under my skin. Now, if you know me personally I am one of the messiest people about, and the console of my boat is a clear indication of many moments of mayhem. Lures with rusty hooks stacked on top of each other and hidden underneath is a pair of line clippers that …

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Quality fishing keeps coming at Tin Can Bay

quality fishing tin can bay

G’DAY fishers. I hope you’ve been keeping well and have been able to get out to catch a couple of quality fish. Our catch and release 2020 Mangrove Jack Fishing Competition wrapped up recently and boy, what a close finish it was! As we said at the start of the comp, it was going to come down to the time …

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Stay clear of commercial ocean beach net fishers

ocean beach net fishers

WHILE most of us are snuggling up at home this winter, commercial fishers have already commenced fishing in the ocean beach net fishing season that runs from April to August each year. A small number of fishers hold licences for the ocean beach net fishery which limits when and where they can fish, what fish they can catch, the size …

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Tailor time: new and old tailor rigs

Tailor Time

WHAT a relief. For a while there it didn’t look like we would be able to travel far from home at all and annual fishing expeditions to Fraser, Moreton and Stradbroke islands was under threat for many Queenslanders. Fortunately, that fear doesn’t look like it will be realised, provided we continue to keep this beast of a virus under control. So touch …

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Winter wonderland on Somerset Dam

winter somerset dam

WINTER has set in at Somerset Dam. With all the anticipation and excitement of the past couple of months of the lakes getting a reprieve from fishers and boaters, we were back out on the lake in May. I must say, Somerset generally has two rough periods for fishing and April is usually one of them, as the bass start …

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Barramundi tournament at Lake Awoonga

THE 2020 Barrabasstasstic Lake Awoonga barramundi tournament was held from January 9-12, with 40 participants across the junior and senior angler events landing 155 barra. The major award for the seniors’ event at the Lake Awoonga barramundi tournament was the Best Five Barramundi, taken out by Justin Nye and Roderick Walmsley in a tie. Both got their bag limits, with upgrades, …

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