
Fish the Deep charters back in action

With yellow rain jackets donned by all, guests were rewarded with splendid samson fish and amberjack that were released. Maori cod and moses perch were added to the dinner menu. Gold FM asked Fish the Deep if we would we take some of their radio personalities out for a competition of ‘which announcer could catch the biggest fish’. With all …

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Thousands of barramundi die in cold Victorian weather

victorian barra fishing barramundi farm

ABOUT 5500 barramundi have died in the cold weather of southern Australia. Victorian Fisheries Authority confirmed all but 1500 of the 7000 fish placed in a discharge pond connected to the now-defunct Hazelwood power plant late last year have died. Winter water temperatures dropped to 12C — less than half the desired 26C to 32C temperature range barra prefer. However, …

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Rec fishing boost in NT with artificial reefs and CCTV

ARTIFICIAL reefs and fish-attraction devices could be on the cards to boost the Northern Territory’s recreational fishing experiences and enhance its reputation as a world-class fishing destination. A tender recently released by the NT Government has called for advice on the design and engineering specifications required to create scientifically developed and managed artificial reef systems and FADs. Primary Industries Minister …

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Alert for central Queensland as pest fish tilapia spread

SIGNIFICANT flooding events following the impact of tropical cyclone Debbie may have further enabled the spread of tilapia, a pest fish species, throughout the Fitzroy Basin. Characterised by an aggressive nature, highly successful breeding patterns and few predators, tilapia, nicknamed the ‘cane toad of the waterways’, are defeated only through human intervention, according to Fitzroy Basin Association senior project officer …

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Australia lifts ban on Vietnamese raw prawns

AUSTRALIA has lifted the ban it imposed in January on importing uncooked Vietnamese shrimp products. Vietnamese companies may resume importing raw prawns caught in Australia for processing and export them to Australia for consumption. The decision was made after the Australian Department of Agriculture and Water Resources received written confirmation by the National Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Department under Vietnam’s Ministry …

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Rec fishers’ satisfaction & expectations of QLD’s net-free zones

ON November 1, 2015, three net-free zones were established in Cairns, Mackay and Rockhampton. QLD’s net-free zones The objective of the NFZs is to increase recreational fishing opportunities in Queensland, thereby supporting tourism and economic growth. Surveys undertaken in 2015 and 2016 examined whether recreational fishers’ satisfaction and expectations of fishing in NFZs changed following the introduction of the NFZs. Recreational …

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Fishing for southeast Queensland flathead

fishing for southeast queensland flathead winter jigging trolling plastics

A lot of the plastics cast and jigged at flathead will be engulfed, which will have your leader rubbing across the flathead’s raspy teeth. Anything under a 10lb leader will struggle to stand up to the sharp teeth of a flatty. Always check the leader after every fish, especially if the lure has gone down the flatty’s throat. A worn …

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Treaty agreement casts tough net over illegal fishing

THE Pacific’s fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing has been further strengthened today with the ratification of the Niue Treaty Subsidiary Agreement. Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources Anne Ruston said the treaty would be of significant benefit to Australia’s broader security and development aims in the Pacific region. “The treaty establishes a legal framework for conducting a …

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Pacific fisheries ministers touch down in Australia to talk tuna

FISHERIES ministers from across the Pacific have converged on Mooloolaba, Queensland today to meet about the future of critical tuna fisheries. Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources Anne Ruston said the 14th Forum Fisheries Committee Ministerial Meeting would discuss the sustainable management of fisheries in the Pacific, particularly tuna fisheries. “In 2015 the global tuna catch was valued at …

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Evans Head Fishing Classic 2017 – all you need to know

evans head fishing classic 2017

Adults will be competing to take out a variety of fish categories including snapper, pearl perch, mulloway, tailor, kingfish/cobia, amberjack/samson fish, whiting, bream, blackfish and flathead. Cadets can target the usual estuary suspects of flathead, whiting and bream. All fish are to be alive when pictures of the fish are taken on a brag mat approved by the organisers. Brag …

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