
Jigging tips for AJ and kingfish

When it comes to fishing the ‘fight hard and bite even harder’ fish, two species are on the top of the list for many anglers – amberjack and yellowtail kingfish. Jigging tips And we are lucky to have both of these in huge numbers in southeast Queensland! Jigging tips Though there are always good schools of these fish year-round, now …

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State of confusion

State of confusion

FOR anyone who fishes and enjoys boating, the past few months have been full of change, uncertainty, confusion and totally compounded by a severe lack of good leadership by those in charge of boating and fishing in Queensland. The state of confusion started at the commencement of COVID-19 restrictions when the boss of Maritime Safety Queensland came out hard in …

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Treble hooks are a triple threat

Treble hooks

FINDING the perfect lure is an almost impossible task. Most fishers overlook the hooks on their lures even though hooks are the most important aspect of fish catching ability. So what treble hooks should you choose when upgrading lures? With so many options available, it can be somewhat confusing trying to decide, but each has its place in a tackle box. …

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Guide to fishing the 37 fathoms and South Passage Bar update

37 fathoms fishing south passage bar update

WELL it’s that time of year again where it is the holiday edition and rather than reflect on the year that was, let’s be more proactive because a lot of frustrated fishers will be out there looking to wet a line after the big run of northerly wind we have had.  When looking to fish the bottom for reef fish …

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Chasing kingfish from a kayak

These little squid hold in deep water (10-11m) and don’t really go for larger squid jigs, so I normally run a 2”, 1.5” or even micro squid jig with a tiny crimp-on sinker to get the squid jig down to the right depth. The best part about this location is there’s plenty of shelter and places to fish for other …

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Windarra Banks Fishing Well

Some good pearl perch were caught on the new moon in May, so definitely give them a go on the same moon in June if the weather allows. Pearlies really are one of the delicacies of the reef. The 50-fathom line is also holding a lot of squire but they are so small it’s not worth the effort and half of them …

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How Far Tagged Kingfish Travel

Interestingly, the second-furthest recorded swim north by a tagged South Australian kingfish was also originally captured aboard Like a Boss – AGFC president Paul Williams released it at Port Augusta on October 21, 2013 and it was recaptured and re-released about 387 days later off Coffs Harbour, NSW. As a club, we have tagged several hundred kingfish in the past …

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Entertaining Fishing Trips Offshore

HELAINE Wilesmith took the reins at the monthly meeting while Rob Schomberg was off gallivanting around the world. The pain for Rob was further multiplied when H’s plastic rod took off. She struggled to get it out of the rod holder and it didn’t take long to realise it was well and truly a decent fish. It took off on several …

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