AFTER some thought, I had two opportunities to fish over a long weekend: early Saturday morning while on the way to see my family and again on Monday morning for a sneaky bay session. Because different family members live all the way along between Gympie and Tin Can Bay, I had plenty of options as to where I could wet …
Read More »Exploring Cape York’s east coast
I BET a host of Queenslanders don’t realise our state actually has a west coast – and it stretches along a coastline equivalent to the distance from the Gold Coast to the Whitsundays! That coastline has only three towns along its length – Karumba, Weipa and the five communities that make up the Northern Peninsula Area, as well as three …
Read More »Secrets to catching big snapper in Moreton Bay
FORTY years ago, I was just a young lad when my father introduced me to the wonderful world of boating and fishing. I looked forward to winter. Dad and I would set the alarm clock for the crack of dawn, put the 18’ half cabin boat in at Jacobs Well and zip out to Jumpinpin for a morning fishing for …
Read More »Spanish mackerel in the morning
HI all, after a few weeks of cooler weather by our standards the estuary fishing has been hit and miss. We’ve seen great catches of good size whiting in most creeks one day but can’t find them the next. It has been the same story for blue salmon and most estuary fish. This is fairly common for this time of …
Read More »Wading the Broadwater flats for wily whiting
HI everyone, at the time of writing our local rivers had begun to clear after the recent heavy rain events. The bulk of the fish are in the lower to middle estuary reaches, taking advantage of the feeding opportunity created by the floods flushing baitfish and prawns downstream. This is giving us fun sessions on charters, with a wide variety …
Read More »Chasing Cape York sailfish
SEPTEMBER is a great time of year to target western Cape York sailfish. As well, we get a few more decent weather windows, the temperature is warming and so is the fishing. The Hay, Mission and Embley rivers are also holding good numbers of barramundi and blue salmon. These fish are hanging around bait drains and adjacent dirty water lines, …
Read More »Rain and small weather windows prove tough but rewarding
SUMMER is quickly coming to a close, but it certainly doesn’t feel like it. With consistent rain and lighter wind around central Queensland, fishos have been waiting for the small weather windows between the rain to get out and fish the blue water. These weather windows have become increasingly uncommon in recent years, so it has been a welcome change. …
Read More »Bli Bli Barra Park – challenging and fun
FOR many years, my impression of the Bli Bli Barra Park, based simply on some false assumptions, was it was another ‘fish farm’ where the fish would just jump on the hooks. Where was the challenge and fun in that, I thought. I’d heard that about a barra farm up north where you can keep the fish you catch, so …
Read More »Good fishing lures make all the difference
OTHER than marriage or personal relationships, it is rare these days to have a relationship with a specific manufacture or media outlet for nearly 30 years, but I am blessed to still have both. I am currently into my 29th year of writing for this great magazine and give or take a month or two, I have been using Dave …
Read More »Top tips for targeting whiting on surface
G’DAY everyone, in this month’s article I will chat about a technique that although has been around a fairly long time, still holds mystery: catching whiting on surface lures. The main reason the whole concept of whiting on surface holds some mystery and disbelief is us older anglers were taught that whiting are only bottom feeders. This is basically correct …
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