Fish Species Guide

Popular spots produce on Sunshine Coast

popular spots producing coast

What a difference in the weather we have had this week. With a peak in the swell and the winds the bar has been off limits to everyone until the weekend finally gave anglers a narrow window of opportunity to go for a quick fish. With the tides low at first light it certainly paid off to wait until there …

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Effort well rewarded for Bundaberg anglers

effort well rewarded bundaberg

BUNDABERG OFFSHORE With some nice weather around the Bundaberg area earlier in the week, it was fantastic to see quite a few large boats gear up and head out to the reefs.  By all reports the anglers who put in the effort were well rewarded with some nice mixed bags of coral trout, red emperor, sweetlip, cod and parrot. BUNDABERG …

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Early mornings and late afternoons best fishing times on Goldy

early mornings fishing

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week. Early mornings and late afternoons have been the best time to go fishing with the extra hot days this week. With a strong South to South Easterly change on the way for the weekend the protected rivers and canals will be the best option to hide out of the wind. Local …

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Brisbane creeks and rivers the best bet

brisbane creeks fishing

G’day all I hope it has been a good week for you. At the time of writing there are 20-25 knot Southeasters predicted Friday through Sunday so the Brisbane creeks and rivers might be the only option for those wanting to get out for a fish this weekend. The fishing last week was a little slower than we would have …

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Fish Inc Lures – Egilicious squid jigs

Fish Inc Egilicious Colour Range

WHAT stands Egilicious squid jigs apart from many other jigs includes their unique take on popular colour patterns, tail design that is three degrees higher than standard jigs to minimise snagging and fouling, and fine Japanese Owner squid jig hooks. These super-sharp and ultra-thin stainless steel hooks from Owner not only mean a better catch rate but also less jigs …

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Good month of charters in Moreton Bay

charters in moreton bay successful

WITH the weather behaving itself this past month, we’ve been lucky enough to hit the water and get a few charters in Moreton Bay. The main species around at the moment is still flathead, which has been fantastic. They are in good size and numbers. Squire/snapper are about too and for some fun on light gear trevally have been poking …

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Monduran barra fishing fantastic

Monduran barra

HI all, Lake Monduran has been fishing well, with loads of good Monduran barra put on the deck. Many of my clients have caught plenty of barra on their charters. I’m still using B52s, Happy Rock Softies, Maria and Saruna lures. Each lure needs to be worked in its own way as not all lures swim the same. The wind …

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Coverage is now more than just a note – Nautilus Insurance


Years ago you could take out a cover note when buying a new boat – it was a service you could organise over the telephone and it gave you insurance cover for about a week. Long enough to let you get the boat home, organise the paperwork and secure coverage for the remainder of the year. But things have changed. …

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Red dogs on Frogz

jacks on frogz red dogs

YOU find that perfect snag deep at the back of some overhanging mangrove roots. You position the boat and prepare to make a cast. As the rod tip goes back, a shower of baitfish erupts and a red flash slices through them with an unmistakable snap. Your grip on the rod instinctively tightens and the heart beats a little faster. …

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Crab pots seized, body cameras worn by Sunshine Coast fisheries officers

body cameras fisheries qld

SUNSHINE Coast Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol officers have seized 130 crab pots from the Maroochy River during a targeted operation in January. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner said the operation targeted abandoned crab pots which could continue to ‘ghost fish’.  “Ghost fishing happens when lost or abandoned fishing gear continues to catch crabs, fish and …

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